I am now officially old enough to to drive, to go on trips with my friends alone and to be in the second to last year of high school.

It’s a big year, and that is reflected in the work I produce. I have to say that I am particularly proud of what lays behind me this year, traveling to Albuquerque, New Mexico and really educating myself about the atomic bomb and its role in the war, to writing poetry, I think that my whole class has a lot to be proud of, so I would like to travel back in time, and show you what I have produced this year. 

This year all begins in the middle of August 2019.

Basking in the sun with my friends, the conceptual question of wether I had, or had not read the book for english pops up, what a stresser. I ended up not reading the book until school had started, though when school did start, we began discussing our very first project, and this book, which connected to

The manhattan project 

This project entailed research into the history of WW2 as well as research into the science behind the bomb itself. I really enjoyed the mix of the 2 subjects, and had a good time furthering my understanding outside of class. The trip that we went on made everything much more understandable, (aside from the time at which we had to wake up for to see the rise of the hot air balloons, though that was an incredible experience, and I will never forget it.)

While learning about the atomic bomb, we made our atomic books. I made sure to take a lot of footage for this project and enjoyed documenting every little thing, I took a lot of voice recordings and though I was quite persistent, I really only used very few! But the second I got a good clip, I knew exactly where it would go, and how it would fit into the video. I also prized myself on the writing that I added into the book. I did a lot of research, and though I was told at the beginning to cut the writing down, I did, but I also found that writing is one of my gifts, and that I should pursue my stronger talent before I further the lesser talents. So my book ended up being very book based, which makes sense. This made me more proud of the final product. 

Lord Of The Flies 

The second piece of literature we dug our noses into was Lord Of The Flies, we read and watched the movie for this project. The reading of the book went down quite well, I stuck to the due dates and perceived the story as I was reading. I feel that this is a good example of how self regulating I am. I know that it would have simple to read the spark notes, and pretend like I read the book, but no. I realized that the more I put off actually doing the work, the more the work builds up in the future,and the more screwed you get. I believe that I have been this way for a while and this has never really been a problem for me but I wanted to point out this quality because reading the book didn’t increase my grade, it didn’t automatically make me a better student, but it sort of ties into the PGP book,

just becuase you dont see evidence of change immediately, doesn’t mean you have to stop trying, it means you just beginning. So instead of looking for the evident reason that benefits me, I decided to self regulate, and make sure that I made time for it, instead of just leaving it. In the end it benefited me greatly, because just reading the book makes you have a stronger connection to the story, and then writing tests is simple because you have a grander understanding. 


Something that I didn’t do so well would have to be the Lord Of The Flies presentation. My group still did well, but our personalities did not mix well, and the characteristics began to clash. We ended up stepping on each others toes which just pissed everyone off, so our presentation wasn’t everything that I wanted it to be. What I took from this experience was that sometimes its hard to motivate unmotivated people, and that you cant treat everyone the same. Certain people need certain cues to actually do the work and if you use the same ones for everyone they loose their ability to achieve the outcome you want. So during this project I used cues that I would have followed, and Luca followed as well, but our other group members needed a different cue, and I didnt think about including that. So I have learned from this mistake and it will be especially important during our next project to remember. 


Out of all the things I created this year, I would have to say that I was the most proud of my poetry. I had a random woman come up to me the day after I presented my work, almost in tears, she said that my work really resonated with her and had so many positive things to say about it. This means the most to me. When my work is able to leave me, and effect others it is incredible. I created a book of my poetry and each one took a little piece of me with it, which I think is a really unique project. While learning about poetry I felt that I really resonated with the information and found a little fire within that extremely enjoyed writing poetry. Here is the link to my post about that project.

And here is my book of poetry!

Atomic Habits 

I spoke briefly about the atomic habits book before, but I would like to mention this as well. Atomic Habits is jam packed full of powerful information, and I withdrew all of it. (Here are my habits I set in stone!)

I took notes on the book and read a chapter every morning for a week to get through it before school started up again, but I couldn’t fully apply it to my life. I found it hard to initialize these habits into my life. I decided this year my main goal was to focus my energy on areas that really need my help, and all the habit methods and the cue, craving, response, reward, have directed my focus more clearly but I think that I need a bit more of a cue, to initially start this regime. I used this process to incorporate more activity into my week and to plan with my family. But I find I am really happy with how I live my life right now. I dont have one major issue that sticks out to myself, and because of this I find it hard to apply pressure on myself to create this new habit that I am not interested in creating. I think I need to be struck with a bit of creativity and time, and I’ll think of one, but for now I’ve began working out more, and caring for my body, with help from atomic habits, and I’ll leave it at that. 

My goal this year is to apply the proper amount of energy into projects, instead of applying to much, or not enough (cantina), and be able to enjoy life and live a balanced lifestyle, where stress is a far away thought. 

So my questions for you as an audience is how do you decide what projects to spend the most time on, and on these projects what does full effort, half effort and little effort look like? 

This Week I Learned (Week 1)

Macbeth and the Berlin Wall

PLP 11 took their first lecture this week, with head held high as information was dumped upon them, and their fingers scrambled to clean it up.  Learning about the war is a challenge especially since so much information about dates and events are being thrown up in the air, it is literally a scramble to catch it all. Though this post is made to connect things I learned about WW2 and Macbeth, which I have yet to mention. We are also learning about Macbeth in this unit. Hot off finishing act one, I am ready to make some connections when one hits me right between the eyes. In Macbeth, (spoiler alert) king Duncan is the subject to killing. Thane of glamis and cawdor, Macbeth is told he is going to be king by 3 witches. Macbeth believes these witches with prompting from his very masculine wife, lady Macbeth, and they begin to plot. King Duncan is only killed for his title. For the fact that if dead the title would go to Macbeth, I assume. This made a connection to the Berlin Wall, a funny and questionable relation, I agree but hear me out. 

Berlin Wall

When the allies became the “victors” of WW2, they obtained Germany and “nurtured” it back into the economic state it needed to be in, Instead of just turning their back on it.

Though they second the allies were conquering land the Russians came soaring into Germany on a direct course to Berlin. They wanted Berlin for the title, and the power obtained with it. The allies close behind, but just not fast enough then lost all hope at obtaining the full power of Berlin forever. They split the title and power, and became power hungry, and enemies. 


This connection ties the fact that lady Macbeth talks Macbeth into murdering king Duncan for the title, as the allies and Russia are talked into splitting the power, just for the title.

This feeling of nothing being better then you are, or no one being higher then you are, lead both of these situations right into the dirt. Because the allies couldn’t let go of Berlin and the fact that the Russians would have soul occupation of it, partially lead to the Cold War, and becuase Macbeth is told that the only way to be manly, or the only way to be strong is to kill the king, he is walking right into his own death – because that’s what they think the better person would do. 


It’s funny when you think about the role that society, and it’s norms play on our decions and you can see in this example clear as day that these situations would not have happened would either of them thought it manly or strong to back down. You can see this throughout time.

When your masculinity becomes something of question its a fight to get it back. Take for instance my brother, my dad and I biking up Mt. Seymour. I harassed them to continue biking, but they only listened because they didn’t want to be the lesser biker. They didn’t want anyone being better then them! Of course no hard feelings, and I barely even noticed it, but its just something to think about!

I choose to express my further knowledge in this topic in the form of a timeline of masculinity! Enjoy!


Habits often don’t show improvement or success for a while, but the moment they do, they show it in a very exaggerated way. This is one thing that really stuck with me after reading atomic habits, because a lot of the time when we dont see improvement immediately, humans as a species, will give up. Its really hard for us to continue to work for something when we can’t see the benefits of why were doing it. James Clear refers to the gym reference quite a bit throughout his book, becuase it fits in perfectly. How often have you wanted to workout, headed to the gym once, and not seen any improvement, then agreed that the gym wasn’t for you. That’s the perfect example of this mindset that if you dont look like a CrossFit champ after one deadlift, then your incapable of ever looking that way, this giving up mindset. I found this whole point extremely interesting and think about this quite a bit. This irrational fear of failure makes it impossible to be good at everything, and be successful, but I have to say that this book has taught me how to move around this fear, and in this blog post I will explain the most important pieces of this book.

The First Law: Make It Obvious 


Have you ever walked into a dark room and wondered how to make it light? Probably not, because we have been exposed to electric lighting our whole lives, and a light switch lingers in the darkness somewhere, in every room. James Clear used this example to expose how habits become natural when we make them obvious. This Cue, or The First Law: Make It Obvious, sets up the rest of the habit ladder. Once it is obvious, you begin to crave the outcome, which is the second law, Craving. The third law encapsulates responding to this craving, Response. And lastly after one has responded to the craving, you are left with the 4th and final law, Make It Satisfying, or Reward. After I turn the lights on, I can see. I am left satisfied, and I will continue to do that in the future because I know that I prefer the light better then the dark. So that is how 1 scenario can show all the laws of a habit, and yet you do it so unthinkingly. 

Now to create habits its much harder to make the cue a bait you would want to attack. Because you implementing this whole new system into your life. Say if you want to drink a glass of water every morning, implementing this habit is quite the hassle, but James Clear has thought about this. 


An implementation intention is very effective in creating habits that are easier to reach. It helps to jumpstart your new habit and get it one its way to becoming an action that requires no thinking. This is an implementation intention.


Seems simple doesn’t it. Bring this back to the working out example above, this makes it impossible to go just once, because its a recurring thing. Ex, I will WORKOUT at 5:30 ON MONDAY’S in PARK GATE GYM. 

This makes it very simple to keep up with my habit. I don’t have to be constantly thinking about when I will workout next, becuase I know on Monday’s I will head to the gym. 

Say I’ve become the average gym woman now, and I religiously attend the gym, never skip a rep, and am starting to see results, and I stick with it, but I begin to realize that showering the morning after the gym isn’t really working for me, my hair is all wet at work and I never get the proper sleep needed after attending the gym, so I decide to shower after the gym. This is called HABIT STACKING.  


So for my showering conundrum I can implement habit stacking and create a stack that looks like this. Ex, After I WORKOUT I will SHOWER. So simple but it saves you so much. All of these tips and tricks are only going to make the cue harder to resist, but what do you do after you’ve caught the bait?

Here is my habit stacker and implementation intention!

The Second Law: Make It Attractive


After you workout, or run, or dance the night away, you always feel like a super charged human being. Instead of feeling gross, and wiped, you feel like you could build a new planet in mars. You feel better then before you went out and did that form of exercise. But what is it that makes it that way? Dopamine. Surprisingly not a drug, but a natural (if your not prompting it by an outside drug) hormone release, that makes you feel great. Have you ever laughed so hard you’ve cried? Dopamine release. Sang your favourite song at full volume with your buddies? Dopamine release. Though I’ve painted this dopamine release as something that can only happen when your locked up with your friend listening to your favourite song and laughing, it actually happens many more times then you think. According to James Clear, every time we consider the craving for a habit, we experience a dopamine spike. Which is funny to think about, since you’d think that the reward would produce our spike, but bring this information back to the turning on the light habit. Have you ever felt charged after turning on the light? Not counting of you got electrocuted by them. Not really, but you were charged to turn on the lights, weren’t you? So you released your dopamine then, thinking about the lights on, not when they actually were on. So when you begin a new habit the craving has to be strong to be able to complete the rest of it, because once you envision the turnout your hooked.  

Another thing to consider when thinking about beefing up your craving is temptation bundling. Which is just bundling something you need to do with something you want to do. 


I do this one quite a bit without realizing. For example writing this blog post is a habit that I needed to do, but I really wanted to go up the mountain today, so I told myself that after I completed this blog post I could go up the mountain. This turns the second habit, or the habit that is wanted into a form of a reward. So when I complete this blog post, catch me on the mountain, because I told myself I would be able to go when I finished the work. This habit is very effective if you have a lot going on, or a lot of work piling up. If you can make the work the guideway to something enjoyable, the work itself almost becomes enjoyable. You have to have a bit of self control to be able to accomplish this task though, because as easy as James Clear makes it sound, you have to be able to put something that is unenjoyable in front of something that is enjoyable, even though your the only person that is doing it. You have to hold yourself to it. But once you’ve got that under control then you can continue using the habit needed as a gateway to the habit wanted. 

Another way to bundle habits is by bundling temptation bundling and, intention bundling, together. I call it the ultimate bundle, but it actually isn’t that crazy. 


This just makes functionality so much easier. You don’t feel the need to become distracted either, because you would be distracting yourself from the habit that you want to do. 

Another way to make the craving easier to let into, is by surrounding yourself with people that project the qualities you want. We often rise or fall to the people in our surroundings. So if you fill your life with people that have habits that you want, you’ll have an easier time finding those same habits in yourself. 

Now we have this craving, but we need to make it into a habit.

The Third Law: Make It Easy


Humans are super lazy, its one of our major downfalls as a species. Take this climate emergency we have entered. We could find solutions to this problem, if we were willing to trash everything we’ve established so far, but here we remain in this climate emergency, because of our incapability of being solution based as a species. Now this applies to everything, including our habits. If our habit is established in an environment where its not supported it wont be very easy to sustain, and so will most likely collapse before breaking through the plateau of latent potential.

If you make your environment reflect your habit on the other hand, you will be much more likely to break through the plateau. Ex, returning to our example above about working out. If you wanted to workout in your room every morning, laying out your mat and some water with your clothes that are required for the habit would make the habit easier to complete. 

Another way to make new habits stick better is to stick to the new habit rule. The 2 minute rule. This rule, according to James Clear, states that when you begin a new habit it must take only 2 minutes. I have a hard time with this one. If your only supposed to spend 2 minutes on it then it should be a smaller habit, but for larger habits that take a bit more time to cary out, I would stick to 1 hour, or 30 minute increments. I understand that 2 minutes would work for meditation, yoga, reading, writing, etc. But say you want to snowboard or wakeboard.I would feel turned off but spending so much time getting ready, and only spending 10mins on the mountain. So remember that some of these laws may not work for you, but all you have to do is tweak them a bit!

The 3rd law is Making Your Habit Easy, but this works the opposite for habits you want to get rid of. If you prime the environment against the habit that you don’t want, you’ll have an easier way of quitting that habit. Say you want to quit using screens around bed time. If you move your charger away from your bed you have to make the choice between your screen or a charged phone for the next day, which primes your environment against the bad habit. 

To continue on a habit you must have a reward, so that brings us to our 4th and final law. 

The Fourth Law: Make It Satisfying


As I was mentioning above about the temptation bundling, we were more likely to finish work when a habit we wanted to do followed the work. This is that same with this 4th law. To complete a habit you need to have something waiting at the end, and it has to be something good. When your completing habits and you are sticking to a schedule, always stick with it, and never miss twice. According to James Clear, missing twice s distils a feeling of carelessness about the habit, and makes it feel very unimportant, and easy to skip again. So sticking to a schedule makes it simple to be rewarded on a continual basis. Sometimes we have a hard time sticking to our word or our schedule, and informing someone of our endeavours into a new habit can always help. Last year I created a magazine about goals, one of the questions I asked every person was “Do you think that if you told people your goals it would be easier to stick to them?” And every single person said yes it would, but they still wouldn’t, because their to scared to fail in someone else’s eyes, and every single person I spoke to said the same thing. This same goal transfers to habits. Telling your new habit someone you trust and will be able to hold you to it is ideal. This way you don’t feel as if its only you doing this all by yourself, so less self control is needed. 

The Beat Goes On… In A Galaxy Far Far Away

(Wow, I apologize Ms. Maxwell. I only see the word play in that sentence now, after the tidal wave has passed, definitely my bad.) 


To revisit the title, THE BEAT GOES ON, we carried it. It being the beat. We also created it, if we are keeping score, as well as writing it and giving it an environment. We nurtured our premature knowledge of beat poetry, growth and development came almost immediately. We were fuel’d to answer our driving question which was “How can we use poetry to reflect our perspectives on people, places, issues and beliefs?” This question led us to our first step of the project. Our research started where every good PLP project starts. A chart, more explicitly, a table, expressing what WE KNOW, what we NEED TO KNOW, and QUESTIONS that we have.  This table definitely helps us to understand what our project is going to consist of, and where we should be directing our creativity. During this table, we came across many questions, because the introduction of this project was also the introduction of this concept, which pardon me for not mentioning earlier, is BEAT POETRY.

The art of informal and free poetry. The term beat poetry was coined by the beat poets of the Beat Generation. They had been beat down by the government and society and decided to express their feelings through prose, and more non conventional modes of poetry. They had many coded poems that we began to uncypher piece by piece, adding in our own interpretations to create a personal connection to the themes as well as the underlying meaning.

One of the poems that we looked over was “A Supermarket In California,” by Allen Ginsberg, one of the founding members of the beat poetry movement. This poem opened my eyes. It did not carry a rigid line structure, nor did it follow a repetition of vowels. It was a poem because he said it was a poem. All of a sudden I was hooked, not only hooked, I was mind blown. It was not childish as the poems I remembered reading on the shag carpet, during reading, before writing and after nap time. It was exquisite. No precise meaning, every single person interpreted it differently. His skill was putting pictures, moments and feelings into words. The poem could have been written in 10 mins or worked to perfection. He was not constrained by conformity, he had shown what he could do, and he had done it quite well. I began writing immediately, knowing now that the poems I wrote did not have to regurgitate the 7,5,7 line format that I had ever so pleasantly drilled into my head, nor the same sounding ending that never seemed to come freely to me. I was finally able to accept poetry, and let myself create pieces that meant more to me then anything that I had ever written before. It was a strange concept, claiming that this compilation of words was a prose poem. 

Here is the solid part of the final project, the collection of my poems.

I spoke briefly above about Allen Ginsberg, one of the founders of beat poetry, but I would like to introduce you reader to another face that gets tied to the generation, Gregory Corso. For class we had to choose a poet and research them and their connection to the Beat Generation, and Corso was my poet.

This was another way my mind expanded during this project. This man is a living legend. Gregory Corso is a surviver, but context is lost because I have yet to tell you his struggles. If you would like to further your education on Corso I made a podcast about his life story, its only 5 mins long, and sums up all of the important events in his life. It was hard to fit them all in 5 mins. Gregory Corso opened my mind to more unique forms of poetry as well, so I found the research that I had to do, quite fun and entertaining and if you decide to listen to the podcast I’d hope you find the same excitement.

Now what Corso discussed in his poems was extremely effected by his upbringing. His poetry tended to carry many more topics that I could barely even mention in my poems. I find that this is because I do not share certain life experiences that are required to express certain emotions. I lack the need to keep yourself alive, fending for your self, and never knowing where your going to lay your head the next night. Emotions that derive from the city being your home and not being raised in a generic family setting. I don’t know how that would have worked for Corso ( had that ever been an option) but certain things effect certain people, and so my poems do not focus on these things that I dont have connections to, instead they focus on these things that corso missed. Its not that one is better then the other, (Corso is far better,) but in discussing topics if you as a poet can turn yarn into gold, you’ve accomplished great things, just as Corso did.

To wrap up our unit we (my class) were a participant in the PLP Star Wars exhibition in late December. We preformed Beat Poetry in front of family’s and friends, in a student created cantina, made to resemble the cantina in Star Wars. We had our band students playing a set in the intermission, as well as drinks na food being served. The lighting was low, and our own Emily Jansen had created a script to express the fact that every new-commer to the “cantina” was sent from the empire, and being form the empire no one really liked you, so you had to stay quiet, which was a creative and exciting way to keep people quiet.

Here’s the video of me performing!


This project gave me a glimpse at a new form of expression that I really hope to continue into my life. I think that poetry is a very special expressive form and that I was very lucky to be introduced to it at such a young age. I found the presentation nerve raking, and scary because I was presenting very personal poems to an audience. So I believe that I have grown quite a bit throughout this project.

I also had a woman come up to me who told me my poem had really resonated with her, she was almost in tears during our conversation. Why would I give up on something that resonates with so many people?