Welcome again. What a great intro to this post, I know, you can stop flattering me now. Anyways today’s post is about bonding. Bonding is when two people.. errr.. I mean elements, share electrons with each other in order to achieve a full valence shell. A full valence shell is when the outermost shell of a cell, the valence shell, is full of electrons. There are two different ways to get a full valence shell. The covalent bond or the ionic bond. Covalent is a bond between two nonmetals. The elements come together and share 1 or more valence electrons. The electrons are shared between them, thus giving them both full valence shells. An example of this is silicon dioxide. Two oxygens bond with one silicon giving them all full valence shells.

Elements also form ionic bonds. An ionic bond is a bond between a metal and a nonmetal. The metal gives away its extra electrons to a nonmetal that needs that corresponding amount of electrons to complete its full valence shell. The metal then passes the extra electrons to the nonmetal making them both full valence shells. For example sodium chloride. Sodium gives it’s extra electron to chlorine who needs one. The two of them are now full valence shells.

Anyways what does all this science stuff have to do with this project? Actually.. what even is this project? So, this is a post about the beginning half of our exhibition project this year. What we were assigned to do for this part is create an engaging story using what we’ve learnt in humanities and include lots of the bonding science we’ve learnt in science. We were split into partners (mine being Niklas Jaakkola) and got off to work. Oh wait, I forgot to mention a few details. We had to then turn our engaging stories into a short animated video made on our IPads. Also we had exactly five days to do all this. So yes, very stressful.