The Story of William Lyon Mackenzie

How does power alter relationships between individuals and society? This was the PLP 9’s driving question for our power unit, we answered this question by researching then making animated biographies of powerful people in Canadian history. I chose William Lyon Mackenzie.

Making the video was challenging to say the least, animating was a lot harder than expected, but it was also quite a fun experience and I’d like to use it again in future project if I have the chance. My voiceovers though, those were less than ideal, I think I could’ve said a lot more about William and the reform movement but I spent too much time talking about more un necessary information on his life, other than these major flaws I believe my video was O.K.

Throughout the video I mention Williams political enemy’s but who exactly were his political opponents in the early 1800’s, well they would be the Tories, who are the Tories you ask? Well they were basically just the conservatives of early (pre-confederation) Canada, and in Britain the conservative party is still referred to as “The Tories”. William on the other hand belonged to the reform movement that began in the 1830’s, so in short, he advocated for political Change in upper canada, despite Canada not really having a government back then, that being said a big focus of the reform Movement was advocating for a responsible government.

Now, coming back to the original question, How does power alter relationships between individuals and society? Well in the case of Willam Lyon Mackenzie we see a man who rose to power by attacking other individuals and for the most part was accepted by society, until those other individuals also rose to power and kicked him out, eventually he regained his political power but when it was challenged again he reacted with violence the whole ordeal ended with him pushing away individuals that helped him earlier in his life.

Overall this unit was very challenging for me, I feel that I in a sense, gave myself some mental roadblocks when it came to getting work done for not only this unit but this term as a whole, I wouldn’t say that my work in this unit was my best work, and I could’ve easily done a lot better but, I seem to be doing better so far as I progress into term 3 and I know I can keep it that way.

So as always, thanks for reading and have a great rest of your day/night.

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