The Phosphorus Cycle

Hey everyone, welcome back to another blog post today I’m gonna be talking about the phosphorus cycle, for this unit in science we covered almost all of the matter cycles, I was partnered with Jackson and we were assigned the phosphorus cycle, we made an educational video about the current problems with the cycle and how we could fix it.

Making this video was a lot of fun partially because I was paired with a friend, but seriously I did learn a lot about matter cycles, the biggest problem with our video though was the lack of our product, originally we were going to make a device that would divert urine from a toilet so that it could be used as fertilizer rather than phosphorus based fertilizers, but we did not end up presenting a product and there’s not really any excuse for that. Other than that the point of our video was to raise awareness for the problems of the phosphorus and I think our video was engaging enough for a viewer to want to learn more, so thats pretty cool.

Overall, this unit was a success at least 65% of the time there’s definitely more Jackson and I could of done but I think the video showcases our understanding of the phosphorus cycle

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