The One And Only Exhibition

Gabi, Brianna, and I all went to Brianna’s house after school to get ready for the exhibition. We got all dressed up to match our groups, we were getting really excited. Plus we ate two bags of chips, a huge slushy, pasta, and grilled cheese, (bad idea). We showed up at the school Gabi dressed as a waiter, Brianna as a rich lady, and me as a man, a business man. Walking in as if we were walking on the red carpet, we walk into the class room where are class was meeting to find a room of normal dresses people. Embarrassing, all heads turn to see us, quickly I take off my suit and tie, Brianna takes off her fancy necklace, and gabi takes off her apron. Now we look like everyone else, problem solved. But since we ate so much before Gabi started feeling sick, but once all the parents started coming in she was all good.

During the start of the exhibition I found that not many people were coming to the back of the library we my groups projects were set up. So I started to wander to see what other people made and what they did. As the night went on more and more people came over to the back so I went back to my station. I got asked lots of questions, for example “did you like what you did for your project?”, “if you could do it again, what would you change?” questions like that.

Overall I thought the exhibition went great, it was super fun to see everyones projects and creations. I am really looking forward to doing this project next year, and maybe next time everyone else will dress up too not just say they will and then don’t.

Here is my final video, hope you enjoy…


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