Yes, You Guessed It, Another SLC…

Hello and welcome back to another SLC with Anatolia,


Today we will be talking about three different pieces of work, one that I am most proud of, one that demonstrates growth, and finally one that demonstrates a growth mindset. I hope you enjoy!

Firstly for a piece of work that I am most proud of, I will be talking about my Destination Imagination project…

Our Destination Imagination Accomplishment

Secondly for a piece of work that demonstrates growth, I will be comparing two essays that I wrote…

Improvement In Writing

And finally for a piece of work that demonstrates a growth mindset, I will be talking about Explain Everything’s but more specifically my “Right To Vote” Explain Everything…

How The Right To Vote Went From A Privilege To A Right…

Thank you so much for listening to my SLC and I will see you in a few months for the next one.

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