Like I stated in my Deep Cove ad post, we went on a field trip to Pound & Grain to get more information on how to make better ads, how they run their business and we got to ask a few questions. Some of the things I learnt from their presentation was that they are a digital creative company that makes funny, simple and creative advertisements. Pound & Grain was founded in 2010 and has now skyrocketed in success promoting crazy ideas. Pound & Grain works for all sorts of companies needing to pinpoint their company’s specific ideas and visions for their future ads. Trying to find the perfect ad takes many tries and drafts with a steep climb to the final product at the end. The colour depends on the mood of the ad and the company that represents that mood. In the end Pound & Grain usually picks the best three from three different types. The first type of ad is the craziest and the company takes their chances, the second one is a little bit out of their comfort zone but still a safe choice and the final type is in the middle of those two.




For the final draft of my ad I used the feedback from the advertising professionals and decided to change my whole ad from the advice they gave. The first piece of advice I used (and still use for my ads) is that simpler is better. Secondly, the information needs to be clear. Finally, the slogan is a an important part in trying to promote the product.