Anders Blog

“There isn’t Done without Do”



Time is Money! But How Much?

You hear the phrase time is money but for different jobs how much would we make for common jobs. Using linear graphs we showed how much we would make, ranging from a few hours to a year. I chose to… Continue Reading →

Once Upon Chemistry Stories | Science

Chemistry is the identification and study of the substance of which matter is constructed. Every in the world can be explained by the periodic table, Bohr models and different types of bonds. In Science, we learnt all about these elements,… Continue Reading →

Scimatics 9 | Correlation & Causation

Correlation does not imply causation. Correlation is the relationship between two or more things that mutually connect. These associations can help prove different concepts, but that does not mean correlation implies causation. Causation is the evidence that backs up and… Continue Reading →

SBC Week 4: Free Choice

Correlation does not mean causation. Correlation is the relationship between two or more things that mutually connect. These associations can help prove different concepts, but that doesn’t mean correlation implies causation. Causation is the evidence that backs up and proves… Continue Reading →

Exponent Game

Playing games are supposed to be easy, clear and especially fun to play. However, is it that easy to make a game of your own?  For Sciematics, we were tasked with creating a game that had to include exponents laws… Continue Reading →

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