Hello friends, family, fellow PLP students, and Yogis, today is a day to celebrate! Today is the last day of class, and exhibition is complete! Three cheers for freedom! Hip hip Horay…

This year has been a real whirlwind, the day’s passing like millennia, but the year passed within the blink of an eye. One of the most recent and thunderous adventures of late was of course… the Infamous Blue Sky EXHIBITION! Boy, oh boy did I work myself to sleep the past week.

See my Launch Portfolio HERE

Look Listen and Learn

It started as it always does, as a complete L.

I mean that as in L for Look, Listen and Learn which is the first step in the L.A.U.N.C.H Cycle. The Launch cycle is something we follow to guide us in the right direction for any entrepreneurial projects we take part in.

In this stage I really looked at what I care about and what I’m interested in. It learned a lot about what matters to me at this point in time, which is always an interesting thing and it bring up things you may have forgotten about. I often surprise myself at this point. Here is an activity that I did to get my mind running.

It bothers me that….

  • It bothers me that so few people know much about plants and nature.
  • It bothers me that so few people seem to care or believe in climate change.
  • it bothers me that working out is seen as a chore, when really it can and should be fun! (Difficult, but fun)
  • It bothers me that people tend to see challenges negatively instead of as opportunities.
  • It bothers me that  most of the time we feel low or tired or ill, we’re just dehydrated.
  • that most food is either too salty, too sugary, or has msg in it. (Or all three) – leads to obesity and addiction.

Ask Lots of Questions

This stage really needs no introduction… I asked questions about the topics and issues that I mentioned in the L Phase. This helped me narrow down my searching.

Understand the problem or process

At this point I have pitched my idea and it must have been approved before moving on. I had to change my idea once before this stage (my original idea was adaptable insoles) and I realized it would take too long to develop for this project. I switched my idea to something that I mentioned in the L phase. “If I could change the world I would integrate yoga into schools to help with mental health.”

So.. that’s what I did!

Navigate ideas

Here you brainstorm your project and then come up with an action plan! At this stage I thought of the logistics of the project, the branding, etc.


Now you know what to do, you Do It! You execute your plans. You will go in between this phase and the Highlight + Fix stage often. I sure did.

Highlight + Fix

Again, this stage speaks for itself. You get critique and then fix it and make more prototypes!

My Project.

My project this year was a Yoga Program for mental health classes (specifically in grade 9). Yoga is known to immensely improve mental health in individuals who practice it. I have felt the effect of yoga myself, and bear witness to the fact that yoga is a miracle worker. Every week in their mental health class, grade 9 students will follow the designated video for that week. It is the goal that students will both become sounder and more comfortable in their body as well as their mind.


I was set to lead a small group of grade 8’s with my peer and friend Jo. Our connecting topic was self awareness. Together we planned our space, themed and decorated it, brought food, and planned an activity for the exhibition. The people  in our group were:

  • Zoe
  • Meg
  • Ryan
  • Ally
  • Jordan


Our room was placed in the back of the library and was split with the other awareness group (group awareness). Our side of the room’s walls were draped in white sheets to give it a free flowing, easygoing appearance. We played songs that about bringing awareness. It was a really calm, serene and interesting place to have your project, with plants all around the room, great people, peppermint incense and joy from the knowledge that tonight is The Night!

I love talking with people (which if you know me, you’ve probably noticed), so any chance to talk about something I’m passionate about is something that I will instantly jump at! No need to say that I had a great time, and I hope that everyone who came enjoyed themselves and become aware of something that they didn’t know about before!

thanks for all of the support!