Dear fellow time travelers, PLP learners, parents, and random internet surfers. The past few weeks I have been creating a parcel to send back in time on my handy dandy police box. (If you don’t get that reference, immediately go binge 3 seasons of doctor who).

The past year in PGP class (personal growth plan), we have been learning how to find our goals and work them into our lives. How to improve our futures, our present selves, and become more pro-active.

This artifact is supposed to be for ourselves before PGP so that we can teach them everything we took away from PGP way sooner. I focused on grade 7 me, who was bored of school and didn’t know what it was all for. I chose this part of my life so that these lessons could sink in BEFORE PLP, so that I could better manage myself in grade 8.

I chose to make an exhibition of my art work based off of quotes that represent the main lessons from PGP. I would #1 send myself quotes to live my life on, and #2 art to put around my house and remind myself of what I should work towards and all the other lessons.

Here is what I made



– “You will never ‘find time’ for anything. If you want time, you must make it” – Charles Buxton 

I made this box, with all of the shelves and compartments to represent time blocking (something we learned this year to plan out your time and increase productivity). This quote makes sense because in time blocking, you can’t just add an hour, if you add something to your day, you must take out an equal thing to make your day plausible. Like Newtons law of motion “with every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”.

What do You Really Want?

– “When you want to succeed as much as you want to breathe, then you will be successful.” -Eric Thomas

lis painting represents passion, the passion is the red clouds, closing in around the sun (life), and pushing away those which aren’t as important to you (the colder the colour the least passionate representation). It is shown reflecting in the water as I would reflect on my life to realize what I really want, but you may notice the water doesn’t reflect exactly what really is. This is to represent how sometimes we lye to ourselves without trying to, or noticing. Or how sometimes our paradigms are warped with out our knowledge of it.

7 habits – Refresh

“If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging.” -Will Rogers

Here at the bottom you see the busy, bold waters of your life where everything is busy, and you are trying to be good at everything, and be on top of everything, and be the best everywhere. But as the water comes to the surface, you realize that you don’t need to be busy, or always the best, and you calm down and take a moment for yourself, and realize that everything works better when you are calm and refresh. Like sharpening a saw, it is much more effective afterwards.

Overall Learning

“The most effective way to do it, is to do it” – Amelia Earhart

This Old man sitting on the bench is waiting for his life to begin, he’s been waiting for the right moment to follow his dreams since the day he knew what he really wanted. He has been sitting here his whole life, waiting for his life to start, and it never has. It never will start on its own. If you want something done, the only time it’ll get done is when you do it. Nothing more, nothing less. In the words of Nike… “Just Do It”!

Thank You!

Thanks for following along with my journey. I hope next year you will continue following my journey, and come back to read these posts to see where I have come from, from where ever I am going. I would also like to thank my teachers for teaching me these things, and I hope that I can use my lessons more in the future!