
Emojis!! Something we all use, to express our feelings. Some are funny, some are cute and some are just weird! I’ve drawn a few emojis,


Emojis can also be used in puzzles to represent different things. In this puzzle here that I’ve created each emoji represent a number. Can you figure out what each emoji represents.


⚽️  + ⚽️ + ⚽️ = 21        ⚾️ + ⚽️ + ⚾️ = 13        ⚾️ + ⚾️ + 🏀 = 14     ⚽️ + ⚾️ + 🏀 = ?

⚽️ =           ⚾️ =           🏀=


If you figured it out comment below!

Emojis can be used to replace text when making a story. I wrote a short story but replaced some words with emojis!

one upon a ⏰ there was a small 🐥 named Harley. 1️⃣ night she 👀⬆️ at the ✨ but instead saw a ☄️ coming toward her. she started to🏃‍♀️ but wasn’t fast enough. At the ⌛️ second a 🦄 came swooping in and saved her. Harley jumped ⬆️ and gave the 🦄 a big hug!


Emojis are something that can represent emotion that we cant say in words.That is it for this weeks blog post but I hope you found it interesting.


The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time

– Abraham Linchon