Student blogging challenge

It’s the last week of the student blogging challenge, and it has been a very interesting eight weeks. This was my first experience in blogging and it was an amazing way to get started. I participated in all eight weeks and learned a lot about how to blog. I learned how to use HTML to add cool things in my blog, and about how to write comments on others blogs. This is the official student blogging challenge certificate because sadly it is officially over.

My favourite blog post was my week 3 post, Fun With Photos! This was a really fun week for me because I really like taking photos and this was a great way I could share some of the photos I took. I also really enjoyed week 4, this week was free choice. I chose to write about quotes, because I love reading them. I thought doing a free choice week was a cool idea because kids got to write about what they want and share something more personal.

Blogging was an interesting experience, at first I didn’t really like it but as I kept going it started to become more fun and I was able to connect with more people. I am going to continue to use my blog for school, I will post about my projects and field study’s I go on. My blog will be a way that I share my school work and what I’m learning.


Life is a journey to be experienced, not a problem to be solved

– Winnie The Pooh