About Me
Who am I? Well, I’m not an alien (why would you think that?) and my name is Ava. I’m a 16 year old hormonal teenager who is also obsessed with chocolate chip cookies and Star Wars. I’m introverted for the most part, but when I hide behind my screen on the internet, that changes.
You could say I’m just your average awkward teenage female from Canada, going through the same old stuff you would expect… well whatever kids do these days (WHICH I WOULD TOTALLY KNOW ABOUT! Because I’m not an alien.)
In this blog, I’ll be writing about my main protagonist “save the world” character arc as I make my way through the mysterious new land called “high school.” Knowing me, I’ll probably make a whole lot of mistakes along the way, which you will read about and cringe at.
-BUT I’m not just in high school. I’m also in this fancy program called “PLP” (The Performance Learning Program.) It’s an Apple based program where we use our iPads to make some pretty cool things…
If you haven’t noticed already, I love to draw. I’ve been drawing ever since I could hold a pencil (and draw on the walls, like the wild child I was.) I’m hoping to become an animator when I leave this establishment… but who knows? Knowing me, I’m not the kind of person to stick to one thing.
One time in PLP, we explored the world of podcasts… and created our very own! When I started, I wasn’t too interested in podcasting (because listening to your own voice is a form of torture in my eyes), but through this project, I discovered that I actually liked doing it! I’ve always been interested in things like vampires and witches, so this was a great opportunity to do something with that interest!
I love movies… so much, that I like to make movies! Throughout my PLP journey, I’ve made various short films and documentaries. The Gentleman Lizard is personally my favourite (mostly because I think the rubber lizard is hilarious and it was challenging to tell a story with little dialogue.)
I also like to dabble in comics and graphic novels. Ever since I picked up my first graphic novel (Babymouse by Jennifer and Matthew Holm, I’ve been obsessed with them. So you can imagine my excitement when I got to make one for our World War I project!
Overall, I’d say I’m a pretty cool, creative individual (who is not an alien.)
At the beginning of Grade 8, when I entered the domain of High School for the very first time, I would laugh if you were to call me a “leader.” Honestly, I still do. However, through these all these group projects and assignments, the new people I’ve met, the friends I’ve made, the challenges I’ve faced…. Maybe, just maybe, I can be.
Anyways, that was a small insight into the mind of me: Ava Robertson, cookie-eating Star Wars Fanatic! I really hope you enjoy scrolling through my various PLP adventures!
…And most of all, MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU!