So Many Lies And Incongruences

Content warning; there will be mentions of residential schools, missing and murdered indigenous women and girls, and other traumatic events for First Nations peoples.

This is not the first time we learned about Canada’s wrongdoings towards indigenous peoples in class, and it wont be the last.

Keystone 1

Keystone 1 for this project was reading the book The Marrow Thieves by Cherie Dimaline and filling out reflections and contributions each week relating to the chapters we read. This reminded me a lot of the “Lit circles” we used to do in elementary school, and I really enjoyed it. First of all, The Marrow Thieves is an amazing book that I had heard of prior to reading it in class, so I was super excited to be analyzing it. I would like to share with you my journal of reflections and contributions, so SPOILER WARNING if you havent read it yet.

Reading Journal pdf

As you may have seen, for some of my contributions I chose to make art pieces, and in one case an animation (that you would not have seen because that file is a PDF and cannot play the video but trust me it was cool). I usually don’t like making art because I find that my perfectionism gets in the way and I end up just giving up on  the art. But I really wanted to do something different that wasn’t just a piece of writing and I am super proud of how they turned out.

At the end of the journal there is a reflection answering the question “How does The Marrow Thieves by Cherie Dimaline reflect Canada presently and historically?” And I would like to charge a clip of that reflection with you now.

The characters in the book experienced loss of family, both chosen family and biological, just like indigenous people did during the time of residential schools and especially the sixties scoop. They were unable to know if their loved ones was alive or where they were taken, a heartbreaking type of pain to feel that was felt by a whole race of people. This type of pain is felt heavily even to this day because of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls in Canada. The ramifications of the colonizers treatment of indigenous peoples in both the book and real life have long lasting consequences that will not be forgotten.

Keystone 2

DQ – How can art and text reflect both the history and our current place in time?

The driving question for this project can be answered by the work I did in keystone 2. Here is a brief look at what keystone 2 is about and the competencies that went along with it ⬇️

Keystone 2 was completed in 3 parts; history, contemporary issues, and civil disputes, and how each of those topics could be found in art. For each topic we had to find an art piece (could be any kind of art including music) and tie it to a specific topic or event that related to the main topic (I.e. Canada’s peace and friendship treaties for history or MMIWG).

For part 1 I chose to focus on historical peace and friendship treaties. I chose a piece of art that I found on a website with a research paper dedicated to Canada’s peace and friendship treaties. was an excellent source that I found for this topic and extremely helpful for writing.

Here is the art I chose that directly symbolizes the peace and friendship treaties. I encourage you to go to this link to see my write up on what the peace and friendship treaties ment and how this painting is represented. Keystone 2 pt 1. Treaties & Art 

Part 2 was about contemporary issues that indigenous people face culturally and how that can be seen in art.

For this I chose to focus on cultural appropriation. I was researching artists who were indigenous activists when I came across Kent Monkman, a Cree artist from Manitoba. With some help, I searched through his gallery on his website to find a painting that I felt could tie into the cultural appropriation topic. This lead to us finding a painting called “Welcome to the Studio”. This painting is actually too large to be imbedded here without me cropping it up so you will have to see it in my writing reflection -> Contemporary issues and art.

The final part of keystone 2 was a similar task to the first 2 parts, but this time it was related to a civil conflict. I chose to focus on missing and murdered indigenous women and girls because I think it is a powerful topic that is still very prevalent today. My reflection shows the connection to the red handprint and red dress movements that we see today as activism for this issue. The link to my full reflection can be found here -> MMIWG and art

The Collage

The final product of this project was a collage (physical or digital) showing what we had learned over the course of the project. Along with this came a short written reflection on our learnings and what we can do for truth and reconciliation.

I feel guilty now as a Canadian looking back on what my country did to the First Nations peoples. I had a pretty good understanding of most of this information before we started this project but I always felt that it didn’t affect me much. I learned much more about how the history of Canada’s wrongdoings against the First Nations people still affects them to this day through intergenerational trauma, lateral violence and cultural appropriation. I can contribute to Canada’s truth and reconciliation by continuing to learn and take seriously the lessons we are taught on this topic. Especially next year in my BC First Peoples class.



So this project contained a lot of heavy topics and was very impactful. During this project I heard someone say “If you feel comfortable about truth and reconciliation, you’re not doing it right.” And that really hit home for me because it is on the shoulders of us white colonizers to right the wrongs of our ancestors in any way we can. I did excellent work throughout this project and really showed off my authenticity and raw willingness to learn and participate, some skills that have grown immensely for me over the past year. Thank you for reading this post.

As Always, Brooke

This War Did Not End All Wars

Howdy all, Welcome to my blog. Today I’m going to be talking about a project called “A War To End All Wars: Graphically Told”. This project was about WWI, specifically Canada’s involvement, and the causes and consequences that came along with it.

Driving Question

“How might we use graphic novels to understand Canada’s involvement in WWI?”

You may remember that we did a comic book project last year in Scimatics called “The Body vs Bacteria”. And I still can recall almost all of the information that I put in that comic without even reading it. Now what that says to me is that I can retain information better when I draw/write it out in a fun way that is interesting to me. By choosing our own topics, it became more interesting to follow a story along and put effort into our work.

Causes and Consequences 

This is not the first project that has involved causes and consequences so this was a bit of a review for me. We learned about the definitions for cause and consequence and the difference between long term and short term. We then took a look at what the inciting causes were for WWI, and what consequences followed.

Building Knowledge

Before we got into our final topics for the project, we needed to form bit of a backstory about where we are in history. We learned about a bunch of different battles and how different countries came to be involved in the war. We also read a graphic novel called World War One: 1914-1918, which was told as a first person perspective from the war. We reflected on the novel and identified more causes and consequences. We also watched the film 1917 and compared it to the graphic novel. It was my second time watching the movie and that gave me more of a chance to notice all of the little details. We also read chapters from the Nelson Text about New Instruments of War, Precipitating Factors, Canada at War and Lasting Consequences. There were various worksheets that went along with these readings where we would rank the significance of certain events, weapons, etc. We also learned about how to create a good graphic novel and some new vocabulary that we would be using.

The Graphic Novel

Finally, we got to choose our top 3 topics to write our graphic novel on. I ended up getting Monchy-Le-Preux and I was quite happy with the topic. We immediately started doing research on our topics and what we like to call the 5 Ws; Who, What, Where, When, and Why. 

The finial product of this project was a short graphic novel (approximately 10-20 panels). So as a start to something that requires a story to be told, we started filling out story spines and storyboards. It was difficult to decide what to include in the story and which characters to portray. But eventually I started adding images and dialogue to my ComicLife and the story started coming together.

A lot of work went into the drawings and research so I am very proud to present to you my final comic book;


Overall, I think this project was super fun and i really enjoyed it. Wars are probably my favourite thing to learn about so I was super pleased to gain so much knowledge about WWI. I also gained a lot of skills on how to condense information into a story and got to work a lot more on my drawing and tracing skills. I cant wait to learn about WW2 next!

Thanks for reading.

As always, Brooke.


p.s. Here are some links that I used for information on Monchy-le-Preux;

The Rooms – Newfoundland Regt. War Diary 

The Vimy Foundation – Monchy-le-Preux

Govt. of Canada – Monchy-le-Preux

The French and First Nations and British, Oh my!

What did European settlement mean for all the people involved? Well how bout I show you a video that will help answer that question.

As you may have guessed, I created that video along with my partner in this project. (Go check out Gwen’s blog here) The video was made using keynote magic move, then exported to YouTube. We made a QR code to out on the infographic that takes you to this video.

Just a quick overview of the project, We learned about European settlement in New France, the fur trade, daily life in early Canadian colonies, First Nations relations, and more things of that sort. We put three facts, one each of the British, French, and First Nations, into an infographic with an image to go along with each fact. We came up with a short thesis to answer the driving question using the three facts as supporting evidence.

Another part of the infographic was a statement on continuity and change between the time of the colonization of New France to Present day. We did practice on identifying continuity and change and at first I wasn’t very good at it but I think I’ve got the hang of it now. The general theme of our infographic was the power of human greed and we tried to make that the focus of the continuity and change statement.

Overall I thought that this project was fun and I really enjoyed working with my partner.


Here are the sources that we used for the information in the infographic;

Worlds Collide Episode 1, CBC, 2017

Coates, Sarah, James Miles, Janice Moase. Nelson Socials 8. Nelson Education, 2019.

HBC Heritage – Tales from the Bay

As always, Brooke.