Ah, the golden age of exploration.

Arrrgghh matey! Welcome back to my blog.

Before spring break, we finished another project. This project was all about the age of exploration. Our driving question was “What was the impact of global exploration?” And the answer to that question is very important so I’m just gonna dive right in.

Without global exploration, North America would’ve never been uncovered by the Europeans. Foods like potatoes would’ve never become a staple in the quintessential European diet without the Columbia exchange taking place between the Americas and Europe. 

The final product of this project was an informative video on the age of exploration, made with an app called AR maker. If you didn’t know, AR stands for augmented reality, similar to VR which is virtual reality. The video would follow a story that was guided by a script written with the technique called the “story spine”. I think that I have talked about story spine before but here is an example for a quick overview.

We learned a lot about analyzing cause and consequence, the premise of which goes really well with the story spine. You start with the underlying cause, then the immediate cause, the event, the immediate consequence, and finally the long term consequence. We did a lot of work with identifying cause and consequence of events and then we applied our knowledge to what we had learned about the age of exploration.

We created objects to put into the augmented reality that would help us tell our stories. I created my objects in procreate and then made the background transparent in keynote. In the end, AR maker was sometimes very frustrating to use but I ended up persisting and figuring out the ins and outs of the app. Seeing everything of mine come together in AR showed that I am an empowered learner that can use technology to appropriately and effectively construct my knowledge. Here is the final video that I uploaded to YouTube;

This project was very short and so is this blog post but I hope that you enjoyed learning about what I learned. Thank you so much for reading!

As always, Brooke.