golden ratio

The golden ration is item that we don’t completely understand. You get the golden ratio when you make squares in a spiral with each one having the side length of the two before starting with a square that is one by one then another one by one then two by two then three by three then five by five and so on once you do that it will turn into a spiral that looks like this.

After doing this you can make it in to the Fibonacci spiral by adding quarter circle to each square.

This shows up in many different famous paintings and architecture. The spiral has been determined to be something that makes items more appealing to the human eye. So our assignment was to put the spiral in to a piece of art with the golden ratio. I did a basic drawing.

But the drawing was filled with a lot of golden ratio. In total there was 13 separate cases of the golden ratio in my drawing.

When I did it I didn’t realize what resolution I put it at so it’s not that high resolution and that’s one of the things that i would change if I where to do this project a second time.

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