

Most of our infomation is online now, and most is protect by something called cryptography, and its a good thing to know how it works. If a site has a locked simble it means that it has been protected by cryptography. How it works is pretty simple but hard to explain with just writing so below the a video that I made. 



Those were a few examples of the modern uses of crytography but crytography is not a completly new idea. In fact it was based off of something use over 2000 years ago. This was the caesar cipher that was used by Juilus Caesar to send letters to soldiers. how it work is just shifting every letter over one. For example this is what it would look like when coded DBFTBS. This idea has been used many of time and probable most famously use in WWII as the Enigma machien if you want to learn more about that go to my classmates blog.

A book called Little Brother shows how cryptography can be used in a regular person to protect the personal information.


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