This year PLP added a new course to the mix, one with the intent to make it easier for us to live more productive lives. I have some mixed feeling about this course. I believe that the goal of it and a lot of the strategies were great but where I had a hard time is that I have attempted to use most of these straight before but without much success. So when I was told to try stuff that I know don’t work for me again, I fell like it was a waste of time. It was not till the end of the year where I found how these strategies can help me. What I realized is how the strategy fall apart when they are not supported by the other strategy, with this, I have willing to give them altogether another chance. I’ve yet to get the time to make a habit of all of them, but I plan to get them all in to place over the summer, so they are ready for my grade 12 year. As the final assignment in this unit, we were to reflect on what we learn from this unit, so I decided to represent this in a metaphor using a Plinko game.

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