Game Laws Exponents

Hello welcome back to another blog its a new school years which means you guessed more blog posts (yay).  

So in this project we used a exponent laws and exponent is for example 22 which would be 2 to the power of 2 the small to being the exponent and the bigger number being the base. How a exponent works is you take the base and times it by itself as many times as the exponent number so for example 43 would be 4x4x4. Now two things 1. Complete shocker I’m not a math genius (gasp) I know shocker right just like I’m not a science expert 2. There are multiple laws of exponents pictured here.

So now that you have seen all of those laws lets talk about our game I say our as this was a group project so our game was about invading other countries on a game board you start by picking 1 of 4 classes: thief ,mage warrior, and commander. We used lego mini figures to represent these four classes.  

So our game overall was good we acquired the accomplished on it. The reason for that was we made our game very complex and people couldn’t play it unless we were talking them through it. 

Here is what our game board looked like




So now to do the curricular competencies yay

So first competency was: Reasoning and Analyzing: use logic to solve puzzles and play games. Basically saying is the game simple and working with a point system to determine a winner. For our game we had that except our game was not very simple it was very complex in terms of rules how you attack and defend and deafest other players. So overall we did ok on this competency but again we could have done much better if we had made our game simpler.

Competency #2 was communicating and representing: represent mathematical ideas in a concrete pictorial and symbolic forms. Meaning a set of clear complete personalized instructions are created for each player to take there turn and game has 4 or more different exponent laws in it. We did this in our game and came up with cool game mechanics and worked hard to integrate exponent laws onto our game. 

Applying and innovating: all group members contribute equally basically its the learning without distractions. So I’d say I worked pretty hard and was not distracted in class by games or things. I missed the first 2 days but then came back and created the baseline for our game. So overall I’d say I did good on this one.

So you’ve read all that now it’s time for the Milestones.

So Milestone #1 was we created in groups of 2, 3 separate dice games 

Here they are 

Milestone #2 was a game rules first draft which all be honest didn’t go to well as there was still a lot of details that needed to be ironed out.

Milestone #3 was a Khan Academy qiz

Milestone #4 was a paper quiz

Milestone #5 was the 2nd game rules draft this one went a lot better as by this time we had made more clear rules and game mechanics. 

Milestone#6 was the final game which we switched with the other Scimatics class so they could try our game and we could try theirs. 

Milestone 7 is obviously the blog post. 

Wow thats a huge information dump sorry now for this project my partners were Noah and Cooper (the names are links). 

All righty thats the project thanks for reading have a fantastic day

And remember that Carter=Blog

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