Impact in 3.2.1


Hey! Welcome back to a special blog post about the Spring Exhibition. Called Impact! Our class along with the grade 8s worked together to make 5 sections Introduction, PBL Pathway, Beyond the Classroom, Technology For Learning, and Conclusion. I was a part of the Introduction group. Our job was to greet people and to tell the story from normal school to PLP. All whilst trying to answer the question was “What Is PLP”. The work we were trying to showcase in this exhibition was the documentaries. Now here is how we achieved our final goal. 

To start planning for the exhibition we were given a pitch form which had all of the criteria, we needed for this exhibition. The pitch form was designed to help us map out our ideas to pitch them to the teachers and get approval. In the pitch form is where we had to answer the question “What Is PLP”. Our answer was: “PLP is a different way to learn, specifically following the concept of project-based learning. To be successful at PLP we, as a community, strive to become educated citizens in everyday scenarios. We follow a project path, and communicate with others to create projects that help us develop skills for the present and future.” Now check out the rest of the pitch form 

After we solidified our pitch form we had a sort of plan which was finalized into a final pitch form we did not change much. Next, we planned out this such as a to-do list of things for the grade 8s to do things to bring and anything else we would need. Here is our final to-do list.

To-dos Exhibition plan

One big thing that I and my friend Declan were working on throughout this time was a brochure on the exhibition itself we revised about 6-7 times for both major and minor errors but in the end, it turned out ok. You can it view it below. 

At this stage, we were starting to build master plans/documents and our final idea was to have 3 tableaux’s showing one “a boring normal school’ two “a teacher throwing out a textbook and holding up an iPad” and three was “kids holding iPads and moving them around” we made some annotated images so we could visualize what we were planning. My role was to be a “boring teacher” I had a fake chalkboard and a pointer stick.



Once the exhibition began it was very cool and rather entertaining to see everybody walking by looking at me and pointing at random math equations. Here is a reference photo so you can see what I’m talking about. 

This exhibition experience was very different than the winter one but I had a great time applying skills that I learned in previous projects to this one such as being creative and improvising what I was saying on the chalkboard. And all the other wacky things we did. Anyways this was a great exhibition and I had an awesome time! 


Group Members: Alicia, Declan,Colton Cole, Landon, Jocelyn, Zach. 

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