
“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a leaner” 

Yes. It’s time for mPOLS. So this year in humanities we did two projects. First though let’s take a look at my learning plan. 

So in my learning plan I said for humanities that I wanted to be at extending and so far I have done that. I managed to extending on every keystone. My goal was to have a 90% or higher. As of writing this I am at a 90% in humanities. So far in Humanities we have done two projects Gold Digger and Ology of Apology 

You check out my Gold Digger project here: Gold Digger and check out my Ology of Apology post here: Ology Of Apology 

Gold Digger 

 So in the Gold Digger project, we had three major keystones 1) A cause and consequence paragraph on mass migrations of the BC Goldrush 2) was a character sheet on the main character of our story 

Here’s mine 

Thirdly was a planning arc of the story and finally the story itself 

So overall in this project I would say that I did fairly well, achieving my goal set on my learning plan of extending. Specifically I think I did well on the final story as I got extending. In the story itself I had good ideas, a clear story arc and plot, a beginning middle and end. 


A Murder, A Goldrush, And A Cariboo

An area where I struggled in this project would be Keystone 2 The Character. I struggled in this for several reason. One of them being that I didn’t fully understand the assignment, meaning I didn’t realize we couldn’t have empty space on the character card. Another thing that I found hard, was finding historical images as it was hard to find historical photos of pickaxes and ropes. Overall though I enjoyed this project and found great success in doing it. 

Ology of Apology

 Ology of Apology was a project based on past wrongs committed by the Canadian Government. In this project we did 2 keystones and the final project attached to the winter exhibition. The first keystone was a Slideshow on our chosen topic (Japanese Internment). In the 2nd keystone we made an audio script and recording about our topic. 

Japanese Internment 

The slideshow was a real challenge for me as I had to revise multiple times. I think the reason I struggled with this keystone so much, is I didn’t read the instructions on what to do. I also didn’t ask for help or go in for tutorial time. I think my biggest success for me in the project was keystone 2. As I fully understood the assignment and nailed it on the first try. Here is the script I wrote for it. I think the reason this came easier for me then the previous keystone is I read the instructions and had a clear understanding of what to do. Now onto the part about the winter exhibition. This was the biggest FAIL of the project as out monument that we made was terrible. Sure there were some good things about it like how it represented what we wanted it to. And how it was a finished product by the time the exhibition was happening. However the monument didn’t look very nice, and we barely finished it on time. Finishing it 2 hours before the exhibition started. 

Here is what it looks like.

Overall through the first half of the school year I would say I met about half my goals. As of writing I have a 90% in Humanities. However my learning plan also had me trying to hand in stuff early for more feedback and revision time. However I haven’t met this goal yet handing things in on deadline or late. For the next half of the year I am going to try and maintain my 90% and work towards my goal of handing stuff in early. 

If your wondering about the other PLP courses we haven’t had them yet.

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