Category Archives: Exhibition

*insert office theme song

Hello, we just recently completed a project which tied to Exhibition. The PGP project we just did was all about finances. First I will talk about the project, and then the exhibition.  The Project In the project, we were learned about money and managing money. This included several things but the main highlight was a […]

Avatar The Way of Exhibition

Hello everyone. Welcome back to yet another Blog Post about the Winter Exhibition. In this winter exhibition we made a Monument about 3 historic injustices in Canadian History. The 3 being Japanese Internment, Komagata Maru, and Chinese Head Tax. You can learn more about these events.  Here Here  Here  So the whole exhibition was based […]

Impact in 3.2.1

  Hey! Welcome back to a special blog post about the Spring Exhibition. Called Impact! Our class along with the grade 8s worked together to make 5 sections Introduction, PBL Pathway, Beyond the Classroom, Technology For Learning, and Conclusion. I was a part of the Introduction group. Our job was to greet people and to […]