Emoji story

For today’s blog post we have to create a story based on randomly selected emojis.

Once upon a time there was a hungry street dog.🐶

Every day a boy named Danyle would walk past the dog on his way home from school. 🚶🏼‍♂️

But, one day the boy decided that he would befriend the dog. 🙋🏼🐶

Because of that they became best friends.😃

Because of that Danyle named the dog Scruffels.✍🏼

Because of that  Danyle would bring food to Scruffels so he wasn’t hungry anymore.🍗🍮

Until, finally Danyle decided to adopt Scruffels and give him a home.🏠🚪

Ever since then Danyle and Scruffels were inseparable and they went on to live happily ever after.🙂

The End

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