Fractions of your time

Fractions of your time

Driving question 

For this project we learned about fractions and percentages. The project’s driving question was “What fraction of your time is screen time in an average day?”. So during this project we kept track of how many hours we spent on our screens and we would write down our total hours every day. I also decided to track how much I read and how much I exercise.

My daily screen average was: 5.07 hours per day

iPad: 3.42 

Phone: 1.07

Tv: 0.57

Exercise: 2.14

Reading: 1.78

~5/24 hours per day is spent on screens

~2/24 hours spent exercising 

~2/24 hours reading 

A little bit less then a quarter of my day is spent on screens and 2.92% of that time is spent on productivity, 2.14% is spent on entertainment. 




Curricular  Competencies 

1. Applying and Innovating: I showed this skill by working efficiently and getting my work done on time. I also checked that my work had met the criteria before handing it in. I applied the skill of adding fractions to calculate my screen time. I was innovative because I tracked two additional daily habits.

2.  Understanding and solving: I showed this skill by understanding the steps of how to add and subtract fractions. I solved the equation to finding my average screen time in the final project. 

3. Communicating and Representing: my oral presentation to the class showed my communication skills. I also asked questions when I needed help and helped my classmates when they needed help. I represented work my using graphs and pie charts.



Evidence of your learning 

Here are some examples of evidence of my learning: stepping stones, learning how to make charts using numbers, textbook work, how to do fractions, quizzes and my oral presentation.  I really enjoyed learning how to make the graphs and pie charts in Numbers. I learned how to programme it to total up my hours and find my average of screen time hours. 


User Manual Reflection

I thought this was A really great first project because over the project we learned a lot of useful skills that will be helpful for the future. I thought the most helpful parts of the project was, milestones 3 and 4 where very important

Milestone 3 was important because we wrote the outline for our user manual outline. For this milestone we copied all the headings and formatting from our teachers user manual examples. Under each heading we wrote down any information that we might want to add about ourselves like, facts about ourselves and things that make use different or unique. This was also very helpful because it made writing the good copy a lot easier. This project was like an about me page just arranged differently so all the facts we add where things that we would want people to know about us. Milestone 4, was also helpful because in the future we will be getting feedback back from our peers a lot and this was a good way to prepare for the future. 

Milestone 4 was all about getting feedback from our peers on our Memoji’s. During this project we learned how to give kind and helpful feedback, for example you need to give detail to make it clear what you mean and you can say complement then a critique: i like this… but maybe add this. Then people walked around the room looking at other peoples Memoji’s and on a sticky note writing down something that they liked about your Memoji and adding there suggestions. Everyone got a chance to see all the different Memoji’s and give there feedback on it. One we got our critiques we submitted them to Showbie then we started brainstorming ideas on how we could revise our Memoji based on the critiques and feedback we got.

User Guide: Clare 

Brand: PLP Student 

Model: Clare Grafton-Levitt, iOS 12.8


Congratulations on your new PLP student, Clare Grafton-Levitt 12.8, commonly referred to as “Clare” or “Clare Bear” by close Friend Products. This new student comes with the following functions:

  • Out-of-the-box and creative thinking 
  • Loves and is ready to learn new things 
  • Works well in groups settings
  • Especially enjoys learning Science 


When you access Clare 12.8 for the first time, she will be ready and happy to respond to any user, especially ones who are kind, friendly and love animals.


Clare has 3 main settings: student and regular person mode.

Setting 1: Regular Person

When Clare is Regular Person mode, you will usually see her out on a walk, playing ultimate, field hockey or bouldering. When Clare is in this mode she is talkative and outgoing. If you see her in this mode, say hi and she will be happy to see you, and ask how your day is and what you are doing. 

Setting 2: Student 

When Clare is in the classroom, she may appear quiet, but that’s only because she is focused on her school work. Even when Clare is in this mode, she will still be excited and interested to see how you are and what you’ve been up to. Student Clare is also more shy but once you get to know her she will no longer be so quiet.

Setting 3: Friend mode 

When Clare is in friend mode when she is hanging out with her friends. When Clare is with her friends you will usually see her outside going for a walk or going up to the mall. Around her friends she is silly, loud, bold and outgoing. Clare acts very different in each mode but friend mode is where she acts the most different from her other modes.



This device may…

  • Get distracted and start doing something completely different and forget what she is supposed to be working on.
  • Get so focused on thinking of ideas that she doesn’t notice what is going on around her.
  • Get distracted and zone out quite often 
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