[in dead pan]

Hello again and welcome back to my blog!…

I’m gonna stop pretending anyone reads this but here we go again with another reflection!

So for the past three weeks, our class had to read a book called The Gospel According To Larry. It’s about seventeen year old Josh Swenson, who starts a anti-consumerism blog under his online alias, Larry. We follow him through the year, in which he creates a large following, starts an entire festival, gets outed, and ends up faking his death. Some people in my class did not like the book, but I liked it quite a lot, and I would give it a 7/10. I liked the anti-consumerism message and I liked the events in the second half of the book, especially when he faked death. The only thing I didn’t like was how long it took to get to the interesting part. I liked the Larryfest, the mystery of betagold, the 75 possessions, Pseudocide, his relationship with Beth, and the non-fiction feel of it all. Oh yeah and U2. Gotta have the U2. I liked the characters and I feel like they were well developed over the course of the book. I liked the Sermons. I would recommend this book to any teens who like anti-consumerism and aren’t bothered by a book with a slow start. This book earns a solid 7.5/10

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