✨Just Vibing✨

Hello everyone! Welcome back to my blog where for some reason, I now post random stuff about whatever! Haha, just kidding. Today’s blogging challenge was to create a post about music…we could include quizzes, surveys, playlists, make our own music, talk about copy rights that have to do with music, write about a specific band or artists…but I have decided to make a playlist, create a survey, and make a quiz. Please enjoy!

The first thing that I am going to talk about, is music in general. Music can help you relax, get hyped, and lift your spirits. Music can inspire you. Music can really do anything to your emotions depending on what type you listen to. Below is a playlist that I put together that has all sorts of vibes in it:

Now, I have created this short survey about music if you want to take it. Also, I have created a music quiz to test you on really anything and everything that has to do with music (if you want, please comment your score!).

Anyhow…this was a really short post but I hope you enjoyed it! If you have any favourite songs, artists, genres (etc) please feel free to comment them (making sure that you follow my commenting guidelines!). Thanks for reading this post and there will be more coming soon, so stay tuned!

Best wishes,


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