Chemistry Stories Summative Post

Hello there, this is yet another summative post from my Scimatics course. This is my last project for my science course this year. This project was focused Chemistry and how it relates to us and how we sue it. We learned a lot of extremely complex and useful things in this project like naming compounds and showing covalent and Ionic bonds between multiple atoms.

some evidence of my learning:

I knew almost nothing about chemistry before this project but now I am confident in chemistry and I know that if i were quizzed on it I would get a lot of the questions correct. To learn this science our class did a lot of workbook work and a lot of practice. 

Our final product was supposed to be a animated video of how Ionic bond and Covalent bonds work which I completed using an animation software called “Blender” on my laptop, which was actually fun. I like to animate and do 3D design as a hobby so any chance I get to use it at school is really cool. 

I did successfully accomplish all three curricular competencies.

I had a clear voice over on my video, I used specific scientific language to explain the bonding in specific ways.

I accomplished crating a clear and detail animated video. I used the correct atoms and correct electron arrangements. And showed proper covalent and ionic bonds.

I also used my class time efficiently, spend my time animating and practicing with textbook work.

This project had some struggles because I was constantly busy with my other courses and had a lot of work to do on this project and my other humanities project.

To close this all off I just want to say that this project was awesome, well thought out, we had a good amount of time to complete it. I learned so much about chemistry. Thats all thanks for reading.

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