Students Helping Out

There are many great things about an working in an elementary school, and one of them is seeing students help out outside of their class. Teachers and staff find ways to encourage students to take advantage of many small or large leadership opportunities that enrich a school culture.

If you were in the school at the start of the day, you may have heard Davis speaking on the public address system making today’s announcements. Student announcers provide the school with updates about upcoming events in school, welcome staff into the building, and can even share some news – today we heard how the Lions won their last football game.

Many of our grade 7 students are helping out in the primary classrooms during the lunch period. With eight primary classes and 3 Kindergarten classes, our adult supervisors appreciate the help that our lunch monitors provide. Lunch monitors help the classes stay calm, assist with opening a thermos, encourage children to eat their whole lunch, and occasionally help clean up spills.

Some students help out in the library, some help out as peer monitors, and many help out when their friends are hurt.

Student leadership is very important in any school, and we value it even more when students willingly and actively contribute to the school culture by being leaders.

Thanks to all the students who have already made leadership contributions this year, and thanks to those students who will be leaders throughout the year.

Take care.