Welcome Back & Happy New Year

Today we welcomed everyone back from the 2 week winter break. It is good to be back in school.

Once again, the halls were filled with joyful noise, and students quickly got back into class routines – sharing stories, writing journals, and working on a variety of subjects. It was a good start for 2012, but by the end of our first day, many students looked like they needed a nap (and some of us adults too).

Our student bloggers beat me to it, but special thanks to all those parents who worked on upgrading our playground. Kristina, Svetlana and Katherine posted New Trees…And Rocks! on the Cleveland Blog.

The students in division F08 today welcomed their new teacher, Mme Robataille, to their class. Mr. Amundsen has taken a leave of absence, and we are fortunate to have Mme Robataille with us for the rest of the school year. Welcome to Cleveland.

Two student teachers are starting their two-week practicums with us. Ms. Shives and Mme Miller are here for a short time, and will be returning full-time with us after our spring break. Welcome.

I am looking forward to the many positive stories that will be found in our classrooms and on the playgrounds over the next few months.

Happy New Year.

Take care.