A Whole Lot of Rain

Wow! We have had a lot of rain today. I thought it rained a lot yesterday morning, but today appears to have a lot more water coming down.

We did call an inside day today. We do not call a lot of inside days here at Cleveland. We live on the Wet Coast, and we should be ready to be outside in the rain. We did go out for recess break, but the option was given to stay in the classes during the lunch break. Some students went outside, while most stayed in their classrooms. The knitting club was using the library, and the primary yoga club was in our small gym. The grade 7’s spent the lunch break setting up the large gym for their craft fair.

Things are calm right now. Students are in class, and the rain seems to have slowed down. It will be busy after school though.

If you can come by at 3:00 pm to see our craft fair, the grade 7 students would love to sell you wonderful things.

Take care