The Wonderfull World of Poetry

Hello all! I am back with a new post about poetry. I wouldn’t consider myself a poetry guy, but this project was really interesting and a fun look at different types of poetry. This is this is my recap of the “Worldview in Poetry” project. 

The driving question for this project is: “How might I construct text that shows who I am right now?” The driving question was less prominent in this project than some of the other ones we’ve done this year, and we more focused on our poetry terms (which I’ll get to later). For this project we learned to understand, create and present poetry. To do this we wrote different kinds of poems and learned some key terms about poetry

Here is the a page from my poetry book (I’ll get to that later)

What we did

Throughout this project, we learned about different kinds of poems and how we could go about making and understanding them, we compiled the different kinds of poems we made into a book, which like I said, I’ll get to later.

I think that if I were to do it again then I would spend more time learning in depth about the phrases before I wrote my poems, to have a clear understanding of the term.

Final product

The final product of this project was a book of poetry. In this book we put poems that portray our worldview and that showed the types of poems we learned about.

I would like to go back to driving question “How might I construct text that shows who I am right now?”. The answer I found to this question is basically “poetry”. Not all people like poetry, and there’s a lot of different ways to portray who you are, like videos or blogs like this. Poetry is one of those ways that can be really helpful in the fact that there are so many different kinds of poems and ways to present them. Poetry is a very diverse medium to explore and its very expressive.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, and have a great day.

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