Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner

Do I think I am ready for the next grade? While this is a very simple question there is a lot more to it than you would think. And maybe even the bigger question would be do I think I can succeed in the next grade? To answer these questions I looked back at the work I have done this year and the work that I think I can/could have done. 

 The first thing is learning how to learn and show my learning more effectively. This started when I went to loon lake and we set ourselves goals to achieve by the end of the trip. The main thing that I learned from that trip is how to create effective goals for myself, and how to make them worth my time. Not too large not too small. 

The next thing also had an upside, this was the motivation. The main thing that I did not have this year that made me stay on this trend of not doing work on time. Like I said in my Mpol It is all about what I put into school. The more I put in the more I will get out. The project this year that helped me realize how important this is was the Impact maker exhibition project. Those projects had us research a person who had made an impact on the North Shore and then present their impact to people at the exhibition. And while this did work out for me in some projects It didn’t in others. The best example of this would be the podcast project. While it is an interesting project, from the topic I went with to the production of the podcast I think that it was a great learning experience (on how to make podcasts) but because of the lack of wanting to put more into the project than just normal, I felt like I was not getting anything out of it. 

Now, this brings me to the next “roadblock” I faced this year, quality and quantity. I can’t or it feels wrong for me to put out work that I am not proud of, and the problem is that I am not proud of any of my work, and because of this I spend more and more time trying to make it better, however with me doing this there becomes a lack of quantity, stuff isn’t being done. So the main challenge for me (this year and next year) will be finding that nice middle ground of work that I find acceptable and the rate that I can put that quality out. Consistency and a medium-high level. I think that I am ready for the next grade and to succeed in it I need to put into action what I have said. I have figured everything out, it just is a matter of doing. 

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