A few weeks ago, it was a Saturday I think, I watched some videos on YouTube. Actually

the action of watching YouTube-videos on a Saturday evening is nothing special.

Special were the kind of video I watched. Or, better to say, the topic, content and


The main topic of the video was homosexuality in todays society. I watched many of the

channels “BuzzFeedYellow” videos about the topic. But one of them totally blew up my

mind, made me think about it, and made me feel a shame for todays society.

The videos name is “9 Questions Gay People Have For Straight People”. As the title

tells us, in the video there are gay people asking questions about some topics. And

while watching, I asked those questions to myself, and I realized, that their statements

were right. They asked questions like “Why do always people assume that the gay one

has a crush on them, when they tell you, that they are gay?” Or “Why are you so

interested in how I gonna have kids?”. One answer on this question totally blew my

mind: “Technically the world is overpopulated, and me not reproducing is helping YOU

out.” And when she said that, I just could say, that she is right. The question and its

answer that blew my mind the most was: “Why do you feel offended, when people ask if

you are gay? I don’t feel offended when people think that I’m straight.” At that point I felt

a shame for me, for the youth, for the whole todays society. Everybody in my age saw at

least one boy that felt offended because somebody said, that something they said or did

seemed gay. And no teenage girl can tell me without lying, that she never thought

another girl was gay and had a crush on her because that girl looked at her in some

way or accidentally toucher her, while walking by. And that she kind of felt offended by it.

I feel a shame, because being gay is used as a negative attribute in todays society. I

didn’t have anything against gay people before this video. And I still don’t. But this video

made me feel like, that I shouldn’t only accept peoples homosexuality. I gave me the

feeling, that I should do something, so being gay isn’t a negative attribute for todays

society anymore. And I have the feeling, that I have to do something, even if I’m not gay,

maybe exactly because I’m straight. Since that video, I’m thinking about what I could do.

I have many ideas – big ideas. I could write a blog, I could start a campaign, start a

demonstration, write letters to famous people like bloggers, youtubers, even politicians.

I’m not sure yet. But I know one thing for sure: I want to try to do something.

You could say that video was a moment that certainly changed my impression of life –

that life is not easy for you, whatever sexuality you have. Thats just what the media

pretends. But I think that we should work at todays society, until nobody looks at

somebody, and friends turn their back to them because people come out with the truth

that they are gay. We (at least the “western” society) accept people with different eye

and hair colours. We made big progress accepting people with different skin colours,

ands genders as equal. And we should also accept people how they are, no matter what

sexuality they have.