We Shall Overcome – Blog Log

What is a Blog Log?

Welcome to my first blog log! This is an attempt to start working on my goal of shorter posts, and acts as a condensed reflection on a unit’s highlights. I may write these periodically when a full post is not in order. For this one, I will be reflecting on our civil rights unit We Shall Overcome.

Hot Take

This unit has been one of the most dense in terms of information and fascinating yet. Due to how closely these events are to modern day, I have felt a new sense of connection and understanding with everything we explored. The journey we took started with the 1619 landings and brought us all the way to modern day events such as George Floyd’s death. It was awe-inspiring, horrible, and incredible all at the same time as we learned about terrible injustices and great acts of courage and strength that surrounded the civil rights movement. This has not only changed my view on history, but also my own paradigms on who I am as a person and what my role is in our racist system.

The Big Learning Four


  • An image from my second Think and Create post.
  • The essay from my third Think and Create post.
  • My Monsters of Modern Racism book.
  • Presenting over Zoom in our symposium.
  • My symposium preparation.

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