Exponent Rodents!

How can you make a fun and engaging card game using exponents? In this project we were tasked with creating a fun game with the main focus being exponents, we had to incorporate multiple different exponent laws and a clear and simple point system. How’d we do it, making a game is a lot harder than it looks and we had to go through numerous milestones and steps to get where we are now.

Milestone 1
One of the most helpful milestones in this project was Milestone 1. In this milestone we had create 3 small dice games that could be based off anything, the only problem was the games had to be made with 1 dice for the first, game 2 for the second and finally 2 dice and a few paper bit for the third. I felt this really helped me create fun games out of little materials and a base idea. Our games used a mixture of dice equaling numbers, letters and exponents.

First Draft 
After learning all about exponents we finally started working on a first draft to our game, at first my partner Teva and I were brain storming different ideas that we could use for our game we ended up basing our game off the card game Apples to Apples but with a twist.

Our brainstorm

that we could use for our game we ended up basing our game off the card game Apples to Apples but with a twist. Our first draft game ending up being a speed trivia game where whoever can guess right first gets that point. At this point we were pretty sure we were going to stick with this idea and keep expanding on it, eventually we created our first card prototypes which ending up looking like this:

Although we were happy with this version of the game and the design of the cards, we still had a lot to do. At the end of our first draft our game rules looked like this:


Final Draft

The next thing we did after learning much more about exponent laws was our final game draft, in this draft we added 5 different exponent laws into our game, changed the card design, added and removed many things from the rules. But in the end we kept the overall same game, we ended up drawing the rodents in our game into the cards to make the game look more simple, we added 5 exponent rules instead of 4 to go up and beyond and to make the game more interesting and finally we removed things we thought didn’t fit in the game like a timer and a white board. Our final cards looked like this

We also updated our rules to make them more simple and readable our final game rules looked like this Game rules


Reasoning and Analyzing: Use logic and patterns to solve puzzles and play games

In this project I did extending on this competency, I feel as though I deserved this grade because of how I developed my point system and win conditions in my game, at the start my games point were a bit weird with a bunch of different ways to gain/lose points but as we worked on the game more and more we simplified it and connected with other aspects in my game.

Communicating and Representing: Represent mathematical ideas in concrete, pictorial, and symbolic forms

I extended my learning in many ways in this project from adding the the exponent into a key part of the game but not making them my whole game to actually making a math game Id play again, the work that went into this game is extending and I’m happy I got that mark.

Applying and Innovating: Contribute to care for self, others, community, and world through individual or collaborative approaches

In this project I felt i worked with my partner very well we were always very organized and ready to work, we never handed something in late or handed something in that was not ready. In conclusion we were always ready and had a plan.


In conclusion I really enjoyed working on this project because we had a lot of creativity on what we could do, for example you could choose anything to theme your game around and how you use the exponents is freely up to you. I felt i did well in this project and I honestly really enjoyed it. Thanks for reading

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