The Ultimate Design Challenge PLP Scimatics 8. For our last unit in Scimatics we got to design whatever we wanted and find the surface area and volume of what we designed. This was a very interesting project for me because I’ve always enjoyed designing things and this was such a fun project in all. We went through many steps to get to our goal of completing a tinkercad design and 3D printing it.

The Ultimate Design Challenge!!!

The beginning!!!

To start of this Scimatics project we surprisingly did not do a MindNode which is very different and weird. Instead of that MindNode to try and get a sense for what we would be doing this unit we got put into small groups and given a wall to go measure. Sounds a little weird but once we finally finished measuring and calculated the surface area we got to go online and calculate how much paint we would need to paint the wall. We also needed to calculate the cost of how much it would be to paint the whole wall which was actually way more expensive than we all thought. Right after that we did what everyone loves, textbook pages and workbooks, just kidding nobody loves doing these, but we did learn a lot from them so it was ok.

The main project!!!

Now it was time for the best part of the project, well in my opinion the best part. We got to get into partners and my partner was Annie! Annie and I decided that we would want to design a tree house together, so that is exactly what we did. We went straight into tinkercad to begin the designs. We started out with the walls and roof and stuff and then we added in all the furniture. We had to make the furniture out of simpler shapes as we would later have to calculate the surface area and volume. We wanted to make our tree house have more volume than surface area so there would be a lot of space inside. We had to make multiple models as ours was just collapsing when we 3D printed it. We eventually took the roof off and added some pillars to the walls to give some support. Sadly ours was unable to print but the design was extremely fun to do. In the end we got to create a keynote to present to the class.

These are our final designs from three different angles!!!
These are our final calculations!!!

Curricular Competencies!!!

Reasoning and Analyzing!!!

For Reasoning and Analyzing I definitely think I completed this well as the curricular competencie is the tinkercad design. I feel I did really well in this because we used over 10 simple shapes on our model and we calculated everything exactly.

Applying and Innovating!!!

For this all of our class time has to be used efficiently and we should learn without distractions. I feel i extended in this as i love to focus and have no trouble doing so. I try to do as much work as possible in class.

Communicating and Representing!!!

For this curricular competencie we needed to make sure all our calculations were exact and explained with details in our keynote. I feel we did very well in this as i made sure and double checked the calculations for everything and i made it very clear to see in the keynote.

Overall this project was amazing and I’m supper excited for the next one! I cannot wait. Thank you for reading this and goodbye for now!!!