What is a story of hope?

Hope is to desire for something good in the future. To be hopeful that everything will be okay. Hope is not when something is guaranteed, but you wish that it will be.

After a tragedy one might feel hopeless. Everything you ever had could be gone. All the hope you had could be lost. That’s where the stories of survival, resilience, and adversity, are created.

There is a difference between surviving, and being a survivor. To survive is to be alive after a tragedy where you could’ve died. To be a survivor is to survive a tragedy, demonstrate resilience, overcome adversity, and have hope.

Resilience is being able to recover from something, or being able to bounce back. Not letting something knock you down, and not giving up on something.

Overcoming adversity is overcoming some kind of odd. Overcoming some kind of misfortune or bad experience.

Being hopeful is a mindset. It can be learned and taught. You don’t need each characteristic to have another characteristic, but you do need hope to have all the other characteristics. Without hope why choose to be a survivor? Without hope why be resilient? Without hope why overcome adversity? You need to have hope for the future, and you need to have hope to keep going. A story of hope is one that may demonstrate a person who is a survivor, who has resilience, or who overcomes adversity.