As you may already know, post war years (1946-50ss) came with a baby boom. An influx of babies being born. This happened because as soldiers came home they wanted to start families and forget the war, so they made babies. As babies started rolling in and growing up, they needed some pastimes. One of these past times being music. “Jazz” invented by African Americans in New Orleans years and years prior.

As I have mentioned countless times, these teens wanted something to connect with. Something they could follow as they were growing up. Their parents had “swing” and Jazz. And then, boom! Rock and Roll. All of a sudden, youngsters of the 50s had “their own” music. Something they could connect to and call their own as they were growing up.

In this post I wanted to connect the baby boom and Rock and Roll. I believed the baby boom had a huge impact on the music industry as well as the industrial industry. One of the many reasons that Rock and Roll was created was for the youngsters of the era.