Post production of our PLP horror movie is underway and my brain has never been more saturated with the ins the outs and everything in-between. On that note I would like to answer my driving question for this post: How… Continue Reading →
Another Project done! This has probably been my favourite project we have done this year so far! This project was unique because we learned how to analyze songs and poetry. Through the memorization and practice of poetic devices, we learned… Continue Reading →
Hiroshima by John Heresy, at its time a radical book, filling the wests minds with what the bomb truly was. Now, a classic, frozen in time with a legacy behind. In this blog post, I will provide you with a… Continue Reading →
Ahhh, another project in the wraps. They just keep coming and going! Soon enough I’ll be graduated! Regardless, here is my summative post on my most recent project:) So, How Can We Govern Ourselves? Well, the video above is my… Continue Reading →
Hi, My name is Gabriele Altomare and I am part of the Future Party Of Canada. We are planning to run in the upcoming election and I would like your vote. This is our parties’ official press release. *Press Release*… Continue Reading →
I have created this mini photo collage with the picture above! I chose to use this collage as I believe it accurately depicts The Canadian Government system in 3 parts. In my opinion, these three major points of The Canadian… Continue Reading →
As this project is coming to a close, I feel like I have really got a good understanding of the competencies we have used. Specifically continuity and change. I have done many assignments and presentations regarding this competency and I… Continue Reading →
As you may already know, post war years (1946-50ss) came with a baby boom. An influx of babies being born. This happened because as soldiers came home they wanted to start families and forget the war, so they made babies. As babies… Continue Reading →
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