Comic Cells

Hello welcome to this blog!

in this project, we had to pick and explain a virus through a comic! Lemme explain the process of it all!

First off,  we made a mindmap!

This mind map was made in the beginning when we were still asking questions!

Next we had to pick a disease and create a disease wanted poster!

Then we started making a story board/draft and drew out our main idea for our comic!

After that we moved on to the rough draft, and used comic life to turn it into a real comic!

The expectations for this project were that we had at least 18 frames and more decently drawn art than the art on your rough draft, as well as scientific language and diagrams.

Questioning and predicting: Demonstrate a sustained curiosity about a scientific topic or problem of personal interest.    I thought this project was really interesting, we watched the movie originally which I think sparked some interest, along with the fact we could pick our own virus to work on.

Scientific communication: communicate ideas, findings, and solutions to problems using scientific language, representations, and digital technologies

I communicated my ideas while talking with others about this project, as well as when we worked on the disease wanted posters, and final project using lots of scientific language in my final project.

Evaluating: Demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of evidence

By accurately completing the final project i believe that demonstrated an understanding of the project and knowledge learned.

Here’s my final project!



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