My Worldview

Hey guys, this last month our class has been working on world views specifically our personal worldview, we did a number of activities so we could realize what our worldview actually was. The first activity that we did was the worldview pre-test, we were given questions that we had to answer to if we agreed, disagreed, strongly agreed, strongly disagreed, or were neutral.

You’ll notice that I usually put neutral for my answers, this doesn’t mean that I don’t have a opinion on the matter, I just only partly agree with the statement. I actually learned a lot about myself by doing this, I now know why I disagree with people on some points and agree with them on others, it’s because of my worldview. I encourage you to also do this survey and find out your personal worldview, I’ll add a blank copy of questionnaire down below for you to complete yourself.

For the next activity we had to use an app called Mind Node which is an app where you can make mind maps. It’s really helpful because it keeps everything in order versus doing a mind map on paper. Anyway, we had to think of ten categories that we believe affect our worldview then give reasons why we think they affect our worldview. From doing this I now understand why I believe in these certain thing as part of my worldview, it is because of all of these life experiences I’ve had. I also realized that since everyone’s life experiences are so different that they lead to so many different world views and points of view.

Once we finish this we had to narrow it down to up to three categories that affect our worldview the most. I chose friends and family, now our assignment was to write a script for our Worldview Explain Everything.

Explain Everything is an app which is made to help you explain everything. However you have to pay for the good version and I hadn’t gotten it yet so my app keep crashing which forced me to make my first draft in iMovie. My first draft was ok but it was basically just a slideshow, nothing special. Luckily, I got my Explain Everything up and running for the second draft, the only thing was I didn’t know enough about the app to make the second draft good. I forgot to delete some of the pictures while moving to a new slide so it looked pretty weird, my dialogue was also a bit dull, there was no real emotion in it. My third draft was better than my first and second but it look pretty much like a slideshow, there was nothing impressive about it. So for my fourth and final draft I made some pictures pop up to help explain what I was saying. While I was making these drafts I started to understand my worldview even more. The reason being I had to keep thinking deeper and deeper about what I believe which got me to think about the roots of my worldview. However you’re probably bored hearing about what it took to make my Explain Everything, so without further adue, please enjoy my Worldview Explain Everything.

I encourage you to also try and figure out your own personal worldview, it will help you to find a sense of identity, at least it helped me. Comment down below if you agree or disagree with me on my worldview.

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