Pictures, Pictures, and more Pictures

Hi everyone, this week’s theme for the SBC is Fun With Photos and we learned all about copyright and what images you can and can’t use. As always we had to complete different tasks that relate to the theme and this week there were three different task that had to be completed.

The first task we had to complete was we had to research about use of images and come up with a way to share our finding with the world. I decided to focus on how you can find free images online that are not copyright protected and I found this amazing thing called Creative Commons. If you don’t know what Creative Commons is then you are missing out, it’s basically free images that you can use or edit without the worry of a copyright claim. There are several websites that have lots of pictures that are free for you to use and look amazing! If you are still wondering what Creative Commons are they are a non-profit organization that is hoping to use Creative Commons to create a larger range of creative works available to others that can be built upon and shared. Over all it’s an amazing idea and I personally love using Creative Commons pictures on my blog, but do you know what’s even better than Creative Commons pictures? Making your own pictures to post on your blog which brings me to the next task:

Create your own picture:

I’m pretty sure that the name of this task is dead giveaway to what I’m going to be talking about but if you don’t know I had to create my own image. The image that I chose to use is one that I took while filming shots for a short film for school. We were in the forest and since it was raining so much there was a lot of low hanging fog that had a very eerie vibe to it and I wanted to capture that on camera. However when I was looking at it to use for this task I decided that I was going to edit the photo to try and showcase the trees a little more since the original photo didn’t do that as well as it could’ve. I used an app called Snapseed to do all of my editing on this photo because it has lots of different features on it that can be very helpful when you have a very specific idea of what you want your picture to look like.

For the third and final task we had to find a Creative Commons image that is free to use and either write a story or a poem about it. The image I found was on a site called pexels that has so many good photos on it that I’m surprised that it’s all free, but now please enjoy…

The Dock

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

There is a dock where you shan’t not go
Where the lights are dim and the tides are slow
Where the haunting song of those before
Will break your heart and make you sore

For you could leave and walk to your room
But let me say it will be your tomb
The spirits will come singing of sorrow
And as for you there will be no tomorrow

There is a dock where you shan’t not go
Where the spirits live and nothing grows
Where only darkness reigns supreme
And all you can do is hope and dream

2 Replies to “Pictures, Pictures, and more Pictures”

  1. Dear Grace,
    I really enjoyed your poem! It was beautiful, and the picture was well, picture perfect! Did you find the picture first as inspiration? I think that is a really fun and interesting way to inspire oneself to be creative. Did you consider writing a poem using your tree picture? I thought that was lovely as well.

    Pexels is new to me, but I will definitely check it out. I often have my students use photos for class. They are sometimes disappointed with what they are able to find concerning the topic. We are definitely always looking for alternatives.

    Thanks for sharing your thought on CC , and I look forward to reading your future posts!

    Mrs. Moore
    Mrs. Moore’s Class Blog

    1. Hi Mrs.Moore,
      I’m really happy you enjoyed my poem, I was worried it would be too dark. To answer your questions I found the picture first and that was what inspired me to write his poem, and I did not consider using my tree picture for my poem since it didn’t inspire me to write anything. I’m glad I could introduce you to Pexles it’s really helped me in the past.

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