The mPol

This blog post may look like a ordinary blog post but you are mistaken.

This blog post is not about a book, or a project, It’s about Reflection

So let’s reflect on these amazing past 4 months, and go back to my first blog post Why did the War Start.

Not only was this blog post extremely vague,(being about 300 words) but I felt it didn’t show much of my learning. The blog post also had zero links. Which proves there was little or zero effort. (Or I didn’t know how to link, but besides the point)

What I did like was the difference between my first video draft, and the second. Isobel, Sofia, and I took a chance trying to use the green screen last minute, and it didn’t work out.

Though, Ms. Maxwell was fine with are video, we decided we wanted to create something we were proud. This is always my biggest goal because I set high standers for myself because I know I can succeed.

This project would have been much stronger if we planned out our time better and used sound effects or any effects in general. Overall our video was creative, and could have been strong but was not executed well.

Now I’ll take you…

And share a project I am proud of, my latest blog Everyone has a Story. Comparing these two projects I think show a good example of my growth, and what difference it makes when I’m enthusiastic about the project and use my time better.

Already in this blog I used a technique we learned, which is to draw your reader in by asking them questions: We all have personal stories, but if you were asked to open up and share one would you? What story would you choose? And how would you tell it?

Something that I demonstrate in this blog is that I improved in, and still can improve in, reflecting and showing my knowledge.

After every story I shared my favourite part of the interview, what went well or didn’t and what I learned.

In my family story I shared how this interview was the hardest because I wasn’t very prepared with questions and I stated:

“I found it inspiring to to hear how my mom stood up for what she believed because she could have chosen different god parents for James but she didn’t. This interview really taught me that you always can learn from the people around you.”

I have become much more confident in my blog post and projects but I can still work on organizing my time better to produce quality work for every draft.

Moving on to science I decided to share my project Identical or Just Similar I think for this blog I showed good understanding of the subject, (DNA and genetics) by referring back to the previous work we did like the table. Kate and I weren’t that exited for this project and it showed in our first draft but once I added some sound effects and fixed the audio it turned out to be good.

I decided to compare my two math blogs because they were strong and week in opposite ways.

In my trigonometry project I think I showed the most understanding of my learning for this subject (soh cah toa) in my blog post and the attached keynote. For this project I didn’t pay attention as muc to the astectics of my house unlike I did in the other project about the golden ratio

This years mPols there’s a twist. Instead of answering questions at the end, we get to ask a question. I decided to ask a question that I would love to know. I’m not sure what my future will look like and I’m very undecided on what my plans are. What I do know is I still have growing to do as a person and as a student.

If I was leaving high school now, what is some advice you would give me about what I need to spend more energy on to become a more skilled learner?

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