Usermanual reflection

 user manual reflection,

honestly i think this part (the reflection) is the   hardest part.

So here is my attempt at a project reflection

This  project was was our first project of the year and of high school. So I didn’t really know what to expect. The process and the creation of the project was much more challenging and very different to what I anticipated.

i found it fascinating learning s much detail about the project before we even get stared. Here were so many things you had to do i get ready and you had to make so many drafts, and its six cool if you look back one you first draft on the project and see how much you thoughts have expanded and how the first draft you once though was the best thing you could make but than later you made drastic changes and it turns out completely different.

We had to make many drafts for two separate parts of this project: the first “part” of the project we did was create a “Memoji and stickers to put o our emoji laptop” this part was really fun because i had to take so time to really think about what represents me and honesty i never really thought of that before. I had about 6 or 7 stickers and they all represent  a special part of me

The second part of our project was the creations for “our user manual”, before we all got an very informative talk about the project I honestly had no idea what it meant. Mrs.willemse,  Ms.maxwell and Mr. Hughes all made one too so that gave ma a pretty good understanding and an showed me how high the expectations were set. And i really thought that i got to from there . My favourite part about that part of the project was coming up with; tips to maintain optimal performance . And trouble shooting ,it’s all at like a list fo things you really like and make you happy and things that you might need to work on

My user manual

co in conclusion my favourite parts were: Maintain optimal performance  And trouble shooting,  and creating the stickers for my Memoji, and the hardest part… the reflection.  i really enjoyed thus project, i learned a lot about myself and it was something different and I’d never done before and I’m exited ands opened minded about new and different project

and still i still have lots to works on and a lot to learn about “ blog creation” and u hope this is what you wished to see.

So in conclusion my favourite parts were: Maintain optimal performance  And trouble shooting,  and creating the stickers for my Memoji, and the hardest part… the reflection.  i really enjoyed thus project, i learned a lot about myself and it was something different and I’d never done before and I’m exited ands opened minded about new and different project

and still i wish this was a food blog and i hope this is what you wished to see.


Hannah s


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