Indie’s 3am thoughts

Welcome to Elmo’s world

It’s the End of the Project As We Know It!

     For the past few weeks we have been working on a project called; It’s The End Of The World As We Know It. This project has been about the Renaissance and our transition from elementary school to high school. The driving question for this project was; What challenged your worldview from elementary to high school?

To answer that question, we need to look back at all of the work that I’ve done during this project. To really answer our driving question we made songs. The first song we made was an individual song, and we wrote the lyrics ourselves, sang them ourselves, and edited them ourselves. Here are the lyrics that I wrote for mine;

It’s the End of the World Individual lyrics

The second and last song that we made was a group song, my group members were Kate and Erin. We combined all of our individual song lyrics, and sang the song. Here are those lyrics;

It’s the End of the World

We ended up having a class viewing of all of the songs, ours was first. We put pictures of us from grade 7 and grade 8 in it to make a collage video, and then we uploaded it to YouTube, which is what got shown to the class. Here is that video:


There were two competencies we focused on during this project : create and cause and consequence. For Create we were trying to see what literacy skills we could use to write, speak and represent in the text we create. For Cause and Consequence we focused on who or what influenced events to occur and what were the consequences of those events? The work shown below is evidence of my learning and evidence of the competencies.


Raphaels The School Of Athens

History Makers

Manners and Etiquette

Cause and consequence;


Renaissance – Cause and Consequence

Worldview mindnode




Now that the project is done, it’s time to do a reflection. Something I struggled with on this project was definitely making the song. The only reason I struggled with this was because I don’t like listening to my voice, and for this project not only did we have to listen to our own voices, but we also had have the whole class listen to them too, which was fine I just struggled with editing and things like that, because it is always strange to hear your own voice. Something I think I excelled at was the lyrics of the song. I was just very proud of my lyrics and I thought they went well with the track, and they fit all the places fairly perfectly. I learned quite a bit about myself throughout this project. I learned that I could sing an entire song in one take and doesn’t sound like garbage, so that’s interesting. I also learned that I have changed a lot from elementary school to high school, a lot of things have changed and it’s pretty cool to look back and see the changes.


Thanks for reading my blog post! Be sure to comment! Ciao!


cause and Consequenceelementary schoolgrade 8high schoolhumanitiesits the end of the world as we know itREMRenaissance

indiras • March 12, 2020

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