Indie’s 3am thoughts

Welcome to Elmo’s world


Frankenstuffies! What a time to chop up stuffies!

Hello! This is my blog post on a project we just finished called: Frankenstuffies. It was our 3rd and final project before the break. 

This project was all about the Industrial Revolution and how it transformed the world. The driving question was: How do revolutions transform the world. My answer to this question was: Revolutions transform the world by rebellious ideas spreading from country to country and societies using these ideas for change. This blog post is my evidence to my answer for this question.



We went through a lot of milestones throughout this project, so instead of talking about each and every one of them, I’m going to talk about the final one, the one that ties it all together. 


Milestone 6 was the final video. We did many things in the process leading up to this, including making our frankenstuffies, which if you didn’t know are little stuffies made of other stuffies. We also did quite a bit of writing, including a short story which really framed our final video/ film. Here that is:

Short story

We also wrote a screenplay, sort of based on that story, here that is:


And the most helpful thing was the film planner, that helped plan out everything, here that is:

Frankenstuffies – Indy

All of this combined helped me create milestone 6, my final film, based in the early years of the Industrial Revolution, here that is:

We had a buttload of competencies for this project. The ones I think I exceeded at we’re definitely Creative Communicator and Designing texts. I think my learning definitely improved over the course of this project for sure.

Thanks for reading my blog post!



frankenstuffiesgrade 9humanitiesindustrial revolutionkilling stuffiesmakerPLPsewing

indiras • December 21, 2020

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  1. faiths February 9, 2021 - 5:12 pm Reply

    Hi my name is Faith I am a grade 8 PLP learner, I and think this post is great. I especially love your frankenstuffie. Did I you find this project fun? Feel free to come check out my blog if you want.

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