Indie’s 3am thoughts

Welcome to Elmo’s world

TPOL 2022

This past year we’ve been doing a lot of work and putting in a lot of effort to get to this moment, the reflection/celebration of all of the learning.

“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”

Why do you feel you are ready to advance to the next grade level?

This was the driving question that I will use to reflect on my learning jour et this year, and something that I will ultimately answer by the end of this post/presentation.

To start off I linked to all of my blog posts from this year in chronological order. I wanted to briefly look at some of them to see how my work has changed and grown throughout just this year.

Government part 1

Government part 2

Final government

Komagata Maru

Ology of apology

Romeo and Juliet

MPOL 2022

DI 2022


Loon Lake

7 habits

Core to the shore

From beginning to end, I see a huge improvement in the posts, and therefore in the projects, especially effort wise.

A new addition to our tool box of apps this year was craft. In craft we were supposed to create our second brain and develop a zettelkasten. Personally, I couldn’t get into it, even though I wanted to, every time I tried to develop notes and use links to connect ideas, I found it easier to just use my own brain instead of my second one. I wanted to briefly touch on this so that next year when I am doing another TPOL I can see if my second brain has grown as much as I hope it will, but that won’t happen without me acting on it. Craft was a great notes taking app though. I also wanted to mention my saviour this year, which was things. My things use has grown so much, and especially towards the end of the year with all of the work and school things wrapping up, it was literally the only thing that I had to keep me from falling drastically behind.

Now I want to talk about my best project this year, which I think would have to be project podcast. I really got into this project and I had fun with it. I picked a podcast topic that I was interested in and I think that the end product might’ve been the best thing I’ve ever created as a school project.

I also wanted to mention Shore to the core, because I thought this project wasn’t necessarily my best work, but I think that the product we made will help me in the future. We made an essay type thing (a “zine”) and it really helped to be able to learn how to write a thesis and an essay in general.

HUM 10 Post War Outline

On the other hand, my worst project. The project that I think I did the worst on was the government project. This was our first project this year, and it was a group one. In general I love group projects, but for this one, I felt like I didn’t want to put in a lot of work into it, even though it was a really interesting project and it had promise, the end result of it wasn’t something I was happy with. The work wasn’t divided evenly, and our group had struggles, but ultimately our government video was (something different).

At the beginning of this year we made learning plans, which was basically just a plan for this year and what we were aiming for by the end. Personally I think that my learning plan was achieved, and I almost think I did better. The reason for that is because where I didn’t  hand in all of my work on time, the work I did this year was some of the best quality stuff I’ve ever made.

Learning Advance Personal Goals

This year we were also lucky enough to be able to go to loon lake for a couple of days, and I thought I would also reflect on this experience. In loon lake we really got to focus on having fun with the class, and making goals. This experience was very different from Oregon in grade 8, because in Oregon, the whole class barely knew each other, and it was a great time to get to know each other. In loon lake, we already knew each other, but this was a great opportunity to get out of my comfort zone and to get to know everyone a little better. In grade 8 I was the shyest quiet kid that could possibly exist. Even in Oregon I was staying in my comfort zone and not trying too hard to get to know everyone better, so loon lake was the perfect parallel, to change that. I mentioned we made goals in loon lake, and mine was to get out of my comfort zone. 

To do that I started to talk to some people that I hadn’t before, and I think I really started to get to know the people that I was seeing every day.

So, reflecting from grade 8 to now, I think that my growth has been crazy, even in grade 9 I was in my little bubble, but this year was a great time to figure out my self and do a whole lot of growing.







Why do I think I’m ready for the next grade?

I think I am ready for the next grade because seeing myself grow so much in just one year, I think that next year I will push myself further and I’m actually looking forward to seeing what PLP and just life in general brings me.

Adios and thanks for being here to celebrate my learning.

indiras • June 20, 2022

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