Our most recent project in scimatics was focused on math and more specifically, exponents. The task was to make a card game using at least 3 exponent laws. At the beginning we looked at lots of different way that math could be involved in games. To continue to think about this we made a project start mind map. We are now finished the unit and so I have added to the mind map in red all of the things I have learned or have more information on now.

In this unit there were four curricular competencies that we focused on. Those competencies were to use logic and patterns to solve puzzles and play games To develop, demonstrate, and apply mathematical understanding through play, inquiry and problem solving. To explain and justify mathematical ideas in concrete pictorial and symbolic forms. Then lastly to use mathematical arguments to support personal choices.

My group, which included Jason and Luciano, showed the first competency in our game with estimation. In our game you would play different math equations and when you thought you had the right amount of points you would try to win. Using estimation and logic was a very smart strategy, and therefore made it much easier to win. You also were tasked with trying to do as much mental math as you could as no calculators were allowed until scoring.

We applied mathematical understanding in the layout of the scoring. Your score was layed out in front of you with all the cards however since most of them were in power form you didn’t know exactly what it had which was the real fun in the game. Also having a confirmed set of numbers to score between made scoring much simpler.

Our game also showed mathematical ideas in pictorial form by the way each card was played. You were basically making full on math equations in front of you so you were constantly seeing the correct forms. The turns were also very simple, you either drew a card or played a card.

Lastly for our game there were multiple strategies, all of which used different mathematical concepts. You could either rely on your mental math skills and go for the big exponents, or stick with the smaller equations that you knew the number two, or cancel out other peoples score with your knowledge of 0 exponents.



I really liked this project and I think our game ended up being really fun. Our cards were also very neat and easy to understand. I think this project helped my understanding of exponents a lot.