The ad project

  • The second business
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I hope you enjoyed my slider!

Now onto what I learned during the project and the steps and milestones that we worked on and did.

The first thing we did was a dissection of an ad. The ad was called Welcome Home, was made by We hadn’t learned anything about ads so the teachers most likely didn’t think that we would through out words like pathos, egos or logos and didn’t think that we would say a lot of stuff about advertising techniques other than what we felt and thought that other people would feel while watching the ad. Looking back at it I would surely say that it was directed at your pathos side because of the story that it told.

Paragraph on the ad “Welcome Home” by Apple I’d say that it communicates to the viewer by dance and by the expressions of the character. The story starts out with the actress being all lonely, sad and depressed and then coming home and having the HomePod play some music that she likes. She then really gets into the music and dances around the house and the house gets bigger. The house getting bigger is most likely supposed to mean something like her ego or her amount of happiness expanding until she is confronted with a mirror of herself, what she is. So, inspired or rather driven by the music, she works around it and smiles at her reflection. She then makes the mirror bigger and sort of plays with the other version of herself to the rhythm of the music. The song starts to end and she gets back into the real world. The target audience of this ad in my understanding is the hard-working people who live in the city and don’t have much money lying around. Apple wants them to think that the Apple HomePod will make them happy and make their apartments seem bigger. They also want the viewer to know, that it has Siri built into it and that’s why the actress says “hi Siri, play me something I like”. The Apple HomePod also has a very good sound system built into it and I think that’s why Apple went for a music video to advertise their version of the Amazon Alexa. I also have some things I want to say about the ad. In the ad, the main character does everything alone suggesting she is lonely. And she also looks sad and depressed. This isn’t going to get families with kids to buy the product more than less. It’s also not the newest thing as there is already a Google Home and the Amazon Alexa. I would predict that this product won’t get that many sales just for that reason. alone. The video is also a bit off topic because its more of a music video than an ad for the Apple HomePod. With all these factors in my perspective it’s a bad ad.

After that we had to read a book and do reflections on it. I don’t feel that I learned much from it so I’ll leave that out entirely.

After that the next assignment was an advertising survey we were going to survey older people like our parents to see their views on ads and other things around advertising like logos and if they collect any ads.

This taught me that I’m not that different from my dad as I have almost the same standards.

Advertising Survey I’d say that the collections and ads will only differ depending on who the person advertising is. There is also a difference in the fact that my dad was born in the DDR, one of the republics of the USSR. It was a socialist republic so the only ads would be propaganda films and things like that. Then there also weren’t TV’s and computers for everybody back then so that means the only ads you would get were print ads in the news. Nowadays though we all have the same ads and the only thing that differs is our responses to them. For each question below, write your response in full sentences. You should write at least 3 sentences for each question. Be prepared to share your responses with the class. Do you collect any ads or advertising products? (e.g. Coca-Cola, Starbucks mugs) Jakub: I collect beer lids, and those clothes size thingies from winners. These all cost no money. Papa: no Do you have any clothing with a visible designer name? (e.g. Old Navy) Give examples. Jakub: I don’t care about that sort of stuff so most likely yes but I don't know. Papa: maybe Do you have any clothing with a visible designer logo? (e.g. Nike) Give examples. Jakub: One hand me down puma shirt but that’s pretty much it. Papa: maybe Have you ever bought any products based solely on advertising? Which and why Jakub: Yes. I have influenced my mom to buy movie tickets. Papa: probably. But I can’t remember Have you ever not bought products specifically based on advertising? Which and why? Jakub: no because I don’t research products that I buy and the ads about the product doesn’t make the product any better or worse. Papa: Yes, if they need advertising to push their product, that’s suspicious. List the places where you think you see advertising on a daily basis: Jakub: YouTube. I’m even listening to music right now as I vaccume. Papa: web pages, YouTube, Street signs

School wise I learned about how the ads in everyday life aren’t so convincing and that young people look for the same properties in advertising as older people. If I’m the average young person which my teachers tell me I am not (I am little bit more vocal than my friends). But that’s a discussion for another time.

I also learned that all the way back, when most of east Europe was still under the iron curtain which was the USSR and the East/West German wall had just come down, in the Eastern Block the ads still had the same properties and were never advertising things or services which people didn’t want.

Video ad

Onto the next assignment. This assignment was notes on a video that we watched about advertising in our generation. It was interesting but I’m not good at taking notes or remembering a video I watched two months ago. Along with that we had an assignment about what the advantages are with print ads VS online ads. For this we were supposed to use pathos, ethos and logos but it didn’t really need those so we wrote down the most obvious with the biggest factors.

Commercial ad and target audience

The next assignment we had was a commercial dig. For it we were answering questions. The first question was, does what you watch appeal to you? Or something along those lines.

So my answer was, Yes otherwise I wouldn’t watch videos or TV I only choose what I like and the ads are normally not what I like unless they’re car ads.

We also learned how target audience is important for ads.

Target Audience: What is your demographic?

The demographic of what I watched was most likely old people, Germans and train enthusiasts. I’d say that the age group for this kind of thing is 20-80 years old. Not necessarily parents. So no. For the second ad, it was a car and not a train. That doesn’t mean that it wasn’t for train enthusiasts but it might have been.


Do the ads you watch make you more inclined to do things?

The ads are but merely a waste of my time. They don’t have much affect on me unless they’re movie trailer because those are fun to watch. If I’m watching a movie on TV and the movie is also on Netflix I wont watch the movie on TV because of the ads.


Can ads hurt people? How?

Ads can’t directly hurt anybody unless a billboard falls on you but the outcome of the ad can have indirect consequences like the Juul ads made kids vape, ads from the Russians elected Trump, Nazi propaganda started WWII. The Nazi’s advertised prosperity and to unite the country and did almost the exact opposite.

From this I learned and thought about how apps like YouTube make ads. Directly for you and your demographic but also show the ads which were payed the most money for. I also thought a lot about how ads can mess with campaigns and make parties and people seem better than they are, false advertising. This was also one of the first assignments we did where the demographic for which the ad was, was spoken about.


Appeals of advertisement

The next assignment was about the appeals of advertisements. For it we looked at pathos, ethos, logos and other advertising strategies. For the assignment, we would take five different car ads and then write about how they showed pathos, ethos, logos, and other advertising strategies. Here is an example of one.


The people going into the Volkswagen are all happy and clearly want to go to the beach. This would tell the audience that this van is going to bring fun to the buyer and their families.
You could get more people into it than any other minivan at the time. This would appeal to people with big families or people who would want to go camping. .
There’s nothing that’s supposed to be just for trust but the line of happy people to the Volkswagen is way more trustworthy than a Volkswagen just standing alone because of empathy and those sorts of feelings

Through this I learned about pathos, ethos and logos. I also learned just how many methods of persuasion are used in ads. Depending on the target audience the ad would differ. For example a car ad targeted to a soccer mum will show kids going in it and soccer related things. It might have something with logos and say that it has got the perfect equipment and the perfect shape to take your kids wherever you need to. If it‘s an ad for a gadget of toy then it might have have things for how it makes you so much happier and have lots of happy people using it.

There’s nothing that’s supposed to be just for trust but the line of happy people to the Volkswagen is way more trustworthy than a Volkswagen just standing alone because of empathy and those sorts of feelings.

There are a lot of techniques for advertising different products and services. Here are some of the ones that we learned about.

1. Weasel Words: a message or promise is implied but not definite; they are empty claims.

2. Unfinished Claims: a comparison is started but left unfinished; they are dangling claims.

3. ‘We’re different and unique’ Claim: states there is nothing else quite like the advertised product.

4. ‘Water is Wet’ Claim: the claim is true for any brand in that product category.

5. ‘So What’ Claim: the claim is true but gives no real advantage to the product.

6. Vague Claim: uses colourful words that are totally meaningless, overlaps with #1.

7. Scientific or Statistical Claim: uses scientific proof, numbers or impressive ingredients to support the product’s superiority.

8. ‘Compliment the Consumer’ Claim: flatters the potential customer.

9. Testimonial: uses celebrities or authorities to speak on the product’s behalf.

10. Rhetorical Question: asks a question that the viewer is supposed to answer in a way that affirms a product’s goodness.

11. Name Calling: makes fun of or is unflattering about the competition.

12. Plain Folks: uses average, typical people.


Ways to get your message to your target audience

Even with the best ads your ad wont get anyone to buy your product unless there‘s a good way to get your ad to the people. That‘s why it‘s good to know which apps to use and where to advertise. This picture can give you a few hints.


To sum it all up I learned about advertising techniques, pathos, ethos and logos, target demographics which are just groups of people who like the same thing. I also learned how to take my work and the feedback I got on it and combine them to make my work be in the end better. To do this, I would mostly make small changes but mostly, especially at the start or when I didn’t know what I wanted to do or didn‘t do what I was going for I‘d make all-out changes and go from that. You can see that from the slider at the start of my trial and error.


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