This post is the digital enhancement for the Quarries Lodge stop.

Many things can impact a community and shape how it forms. People, locations and events can influence the way a town or community is shaped and when it comes to Deep Cove Quarries Lodge and Granite Quarries Limited before it have heavily influenced the region in all aspects.

Granite Quarries Limited is the first aspect of this influence. Built in 1908 the Quarry in Deep Cove was right underneath the now famous hiking trail Quarry Rock. This was described as a very large scale mining operation that used a lot of modern equipment and employed a lot of people.

Granite Quarries was important for the history of Deep Cove because of the jobs it brought to the area. Not many people wanted to move to the rural area that was Deep Cove back then. However many people were brought to the area because of the Quarry and the jobs that it brought.

These people would have also went to local restaurants and stores enhancing the economy. This is probably the largest impact that the Quarry had on Deep Cove before it’s closing in 1924.

Eventually the area would be bought and renovated in the 30s by Margret George and her sons Art and David. The new location built out of the old Quarry would be Quarries Lodge. This new building would serve the community as a hotel and restaurant. It became a part of community and was also used for meetings and parties. It definitely was a large influence on Deep Cove back then.

The lodges owners were also big parts of old Deep Cove with Art being well known for his water taxi business and kind actions for the community like bringing workers back home across the water for the holidays through the frozen over inlet.

Art also built the marina expanding the community and further cementing his families and by extent the lodges influence on the Cove.

Eventually the lodge shut down in the 40s and theres no remaining trace of it to this day but throughout the years it was active the land under Quarrys Rock has always been a large part of the community.


A timeline of the area